ESVCP & ECVCP Data Privacy Statement
On handling your personal information the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP) and European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) both comply with the legal terms.
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1 General Information about the Gathering, Processing and Use of your Information
a. Member login: Members of the ESVCP and the ECVPC can log into the member area with their member ID and a password provided at registration. Date and the time of your last login are recorded.
b. Both username and password can be changed by the user after the first login.
c. The username, but not the password can be seen by the website administrator. If a password is forgotten, it will be reset to an automatically generated one.
d. Profile data added by the member (e.g. affiliation, picture) are visible to the website administrator
e. Deletion of the member's data can be at any time, to do so, please send an email to the secretariat.
f. The pages visited are counted in the website statistics, but no data are collected without login – what data are collected with login?
g. Special regulations applying to the website-integrated user forum will be announced later
2. Ownership of contents
c. All documents published by the ESVCP and the ECVCP remain the property of the Society or College.
d. Excluded are documents submitted by third parties (e.g. job advertisements)
Use of the logos of ESVCP and ECVCP requires the written permission by the Boards of ESVCP and ECVCP, respectively.