Dear ESVCP Members,
This is a reminder of the payment for the 2019 ESVCP membership fees, which can be easily paid at following this LINK.
You can also pay by bank transfer, which is used frequently by members whose institution pays for their fees. And, payment can also be made by cheque made out to the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology and posted directly to Peter O’Brien, ESVCP Treasurer: Room 013, Veterinary Science Building, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Benefits of membership include: a) significant discounts at ESVCP conferences; b) subscription to the journal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology; c) subscription to the asvcp-esvcp listserver where clinpath questions are posted and answered almost immediately by experts, and d) access to the members-only section of the ESVCP website.
2019 ESVCP membership fees €100
Discounted fees: €80 for residents
€80 for current ASVCP members
Additional costs: + €50 if you wish to have a printed copy of the Vet Clin Path journal issues for 2019.
+ €15 for additional administrative fee levied by the bank for electronic bank transfers
· If you wish a receipt for payment, please indicate this by return email, indicating fees paid, date of payment and method of payment.
· If you need this invoice personalised to you at your institution, then please indicate this by return email and what your fees will be.
If you have any further questions or queries, please contact the treasurer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.