This is the first call for cases for the case session at 16th ESVCP-ECVCP Congress: 1-4 October, 2014, in Milan Italy.
The case session is tentatively planned for Saturday morning October 4.
Please send two Word files (or rich text format .rtf) of your case submission to Harold Tvedten
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The 2 word (or rtf) files should include the case as an unknown (mystery) case with enough information for others to make or suspect the diagnosis and then a file including all information including diagnosis, discussion and references.
Examples of previous ESVCP case sessions (unknown and with diagnosis) may be seen on the website of ESVCP-ECVCP.
You may also look at the two type files used for the previous cases for the ASVCP case sessions as a similar model of how to formulate your case presentations.
For more information on the meeting, please view the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP) website.
Reduce size of photos to about 500-700 pixels so they do not take up too much space.
Deadline is July 1, 2014, but priority is given to those submissions arriving first. Harold will give early confirmation to cases excellent enough to certainly be included.
Cases need not be the first ever but should have a good "lesson to learn" to share to colleagues attending the meeting or reading pdf files of the accepted cases on our ESVCP website.
This will be fun, share an interesting case. We should have 15-20 minutes per case so speakers need not rush and we can have some discussions.
October is a good month to visit Italy. Please inform others in your area.
Thanks Harold Tvedten