Dear colleagues,

The online ECVCP election process for new officers has been completed. The nomination committee represented by Peter Vadjovich worked together with Sharon and Matt Green and our webmanager Ernst Leidinger to put this into place throughout the fall. As this was a new system some teething issues were experienced which meant the process was slower than expected. However now it is in place and the following election in 3 years' time should not take so long nor be delayed as it was this year. It is hoped this new online voting system facilitates and allows more ECVCP members to participate in the voting process.
The  nomination committee reports the following election results :


 Elected Posts:  
 Vice President
 (and President from 2013)
 Cathy Trumel
 Secretary:  Anne Lanevschi Pietersma
 Treasurer:  Natali Bauer
 Councilors:  Elspeth Milne
   Ilse Schwendenwein
 Nonelected posts:
 Past president:
 Joy Archer
 President:  Saverio Paltrinieri










The new board has already commenced activities that will in a first phase involve establishing the new committees
Kind regards,
Anne Lanevschi Pietersma