Next ESVCP Congress

ESVCP/ECVCP Annual Congress 2025


Bristol (UK)

1-4 October  

Other Congresses and Meetings


ECVIM annual congress            


ASVCP/ACVP annual congress


18-20 September 2025


 25-28 October 2025


Maastricht, The Netherlands


 New Orleans, USA

Past ESVCP Congresses
  • Budapest, 2024
  • Lisbon, 2023
  • Belgrade, 2022
  • Online, 2021
  • Vienna/online, 2020
  • Arnhem, Netherlands, 2019
  • Athens, Greece, 2018
  • London, United Kingdom, 2017
  • Nantes, France, 2016
  • Lisbon, Portugal, 2015
  • Milan, Italy, 2014 
  • Berlin, Germany, 2013
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012 
  • Dublin, Eire, 2011
  • Toulouse, France, 2010
  • Thessaloniki, Greece, 2009
  • Barcelona, Spain, 2008
  • Budapest, Hungary 2007


ESVCP Congress 2013

 15th ESVCP Annual Congress, 6th-9th November,

Estrel Convention Center, Berlin

Please find here all links and files to download:

◊ Congress Registration

◊ DVG Congress Website (in German)

ESVCP case session (UPDATED files with diagnosis added 26/10/13)

pdf   pdf ESVCP Berlin Call for abstracts  (3/3/13)

pdf   pdf ESVCP Berlin 1st call pdf





You may find the following useful for job and training opportunities!

Job Ad guidelines 

Please use the "Contact Us" menu if you would like to advertise an appropriate job here.

  pdf Website Job Ads Guidelines (61 KB)  (posted 10/10/19) 


Residency & Postdoc positions

Senior Training Scholar (Resident) in Clinical Pathology, University of Cambridge, UK, (posted 20/11/2024) NEW

pdf Veterinary Clinical Pathology Residency (210 KB) , Idexx, New Zealand (posted 06/08/2024) 


Clinical Pathologist positions


Other Sites

ASVCP career opportunities

European College of Veterinary Pathologists 


Membership of ESVCP

Thank you for your interest in the ESVCP. It's a great society, that provides numerous educational and networking opportunities for those working in the field of veterinary clinical pathology.

Membership benefits include:

  • Online access to Veterinary Clinical Pathology Journal. The pre-eminent journal on the field, published quarterly.
    • Please note: Printed Vet Clin Path journal issues are no longer offered by Wiley.
  • Access to the ASVCP listserv. A highly valuable email discussion group that allows instant communication with fellow workers in the field.
  • Discount rates to our conferences
  • Access to the ESVCP Online Expert Rounds and the ASVCP/ ESVCP Online Rounds

To join the society you need to do two things...

1. Fill in this membership form. This provides us with your details so that we can contact you.

2. Pay the subscription fees by the via the portal below.

Full membership is € 100, Student membership is € 80. To qualify as a student or as resident, a supervisor is required to send the treasurer details outlining the duration of the study program.

2022 ESVCP membership - Paypal Button 

ESVCP Membership Payment

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

And that's it!

We will then contact you to let you know that your application was successful. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us.


Kostas Papasouliotis, President

Ernst Leidinger, Past President

Alessia Giordano, Vice President

Francesco Cian, Secretary

Tim Williams, Treasurer

Erika Furman, Councillor

Marta Costa, Councillor 


Contact the Executive Board and committee-members:
Executive secretariat: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please note: all communications for application form requests & submissions for training, 
examination or laboratory approval must be sent to this email address

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ECVCP email directory (requires member's logon)



Emma Hooijberg (Chair)
Esther Torrent

Marilisa Novacco



Maria Elena Gelain (Chair)

Abigail Guija-de-Arespacochaga (Co-Chair)

Hege Brun-Hansen

Kelly du Preez

Erika Furman

Laura Martinez

Ioannis Oikonomidis

Stratos Papakonstantinou

Laura Pintore

Benoit Rannou

Bente Kristin Saevik

Mariana Serra



Stefanie Klenner, Chair

Ernst Leidinger, Co-chair

Kathy Freeman

Alexandra Briend-Marchal

Natali Bauer

Martina Stirn

Josep Pastor

Margarida Canelas Domingos



Niki Skeldon, Chair

Emi Ludemann, Exam officer

Typhaine Lavabre, Mock Exam Coordinator 

David Ledieu, Exam question manager


I. General Clinical Pathology:

   Laetitia Jaillairdon, Chair

   Sarah Putwain

   Helena Pettersson

   Francesca Pitorri

   Margot Grebert


II. Clinical Chemistry:

     Marta Dell'Orco, Chair

     Vanessa Turinelli

     Ugo Bonfanti

     Alessandra Gavazza

     Iona Maher

     Myriam Defontis 

     Nicolas Soetart

     Oriol Jornet Rius


III. Cytology:

      Antonio Melendez Lazo, Chair

      Cathy Trumel

      Francesco Cian

      Carlo Masserdotti

      Carola Campora

      Susan McCleish


IV. Haematology:

      Fanny Granat, Chair

      Alexander Pankraz

      Eleonora Piseddu

      Laetitia Piane 

      Cora Sommerey

      Gabriele Rossi



Francesco Cian

Marta Costa

Kostas Papasouliotis

Ernst Leidinger



Please refer to ESVCP Board

Stephan Neumann, Chair

Laetitia Jaillardon

Nazaré Pinto Da Cunha



Kostas Papasouliotis, Chair

Francesco Cian

Myriam Defontis



Maverick Melega

Ingo Schaefer


(updated by webmaster: 10/03/23)


ESVCP: Current Executive

President: Stephan NEUMANN   pdf CV Stephan Neumann (127 KB)
Vice President: Barbara RIOND    
Secretary: Yolandi RAUTENBACH     
Treasurer: Stefanie Klenner-Gastreich    
Councillors: Nazaré PINTO DA CUNHA    
  Laetitia JAILLARDON    



last update: 14/01/21
by the webmaster





Constitution of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP)


pdf Constitution ESVCP bilingual 2020 (158 KB)



§ 1 Name des Vereins, Sitz

Name of the Society


Der Verein führt den Namen "European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Clinical Pathology" (ESVCP). Er wird in das Vereinsregister in München (Deutschland) eingetragen. Der Name wird sodann mit dem Zusatz "eingetragener Verein" (e.V.) versehen. Sitz des Vereins ist München.

The Society is hereby named "European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology" (ESVCP). It will be registered in the Society Register in Munich (Germany); and thereafter the official suffix will be "Registered Society".


§ 2 Ziele des Vereins

Objectives of the Society


1)      Der Verein verfolgt ausschließlich und unmittelbar gemeinnützige Zwecke im Sinne des Abschnitts "Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke" der Abgabenordnung. Jeder Beschluß über die Änderung der Satzung ist vor dessen Anmeldung beim Registergericht dem zuständigen Finanzamt vorzulegen.

The Society will exclusively and immediately pursue non-profit-making purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the Tax Code. Any prospective alterations to the statutes shall be submitted to the responsible Tax Office prior to application thereto for registration with the Registry Court.


2)      Der Verein ist selbstlos tätig; er verfolgt nicht in erster Linie eigenwirtschaftliche Zwecke.

The work of the Society will be altruistic; it will not primarily seek to increase its wealth.


3)      Die Verwendung der Gelder der Gesellschaft muss nach der Satzung der Gesellschaft erfolgen. Um die Ausbildung und das Wissen in der Veterinärklinischen Pathologie zu fördern, kann die Gesellschaft den Residents und Studenten (Studenten oder Veterinärstudenten) aus den Mitteln der Gesellschaft Ausbildungs-, Forschungs- oder Reisekostenzuschüsse gewähren.

The use of the funds of the Company must be in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company. To promote training and knowledge in veterinary pathology, the Company may grant Residents and students (students or veterinary students) educational, research or travel grants from the Company's resources


4)      Es darf keine Person durch Ausgaben, die dem Zweck des Vereins fremd sind, oder durch unverhältnismäßig hohe Vergütungen begünstigt werden.

No person may receive expenses incompatible with the aims of the Society, or unreasonably high remuneration.


5)      Die Mitglieder des Vereins zeichnen sich durch ein besonderes Interesse am Fachgebiet Klinische Labordiagnostik aus.

Membership of the Society will be comprised of particularly those who are interested in the fields of clinical pathology.


6) Alle Inhaber von Vereinsämtern sind ehrenamtlich tätig.

All officers of the Society shall work in an honorary capacity.


7) Ziel des Vereins ist die Förderung der tierärztlichen Wissenschaft insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Veterinärlabordiagnostik. Der Satzungszweck wird verwirklicht durch die:

The objectives of the Society are:

- to disseminate the basic principles of veterinary clinical pathology

-  Durchführung wissenschaftlicher Veranstaltungen (wie z.B. Workshops, Seminare, Treffen)

-  by means of scientific meetings (seminars, workshops, continuing education)

-  Vermittlung neuer wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse durch aktive Teilnahme an öffentlichen Kongressen mit im weitesten Sinne hämatologischer, biochemischer oder zytopathologischer Thematik und Gedankenaustausch mit der American Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology sowie anderen Vereinen oder Organisationen mit Interessengemeinschaft.

-  to spread new scientific information by participation at congresses with hematologic, biochemical, or cytopathologic subjects, to encourage cooperation between members and to establish close contacts with the American Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology and such other societies or organizations which may share mutual interests.


8)      Der Verein veröffentlicht Bekanntmachungen in eigenen Newslettern.

The Society will publish all announcements in its own newsletters.


9) Die Auflösung oder Aufhebung des Vereins ist in § 16 geregelt.

The dissolution of the Society is regulated in § 16.


§ 3 Mitglieder



Der Verein besteht aus ordentlichen Mitgliedern und Ehrenmitgliedern:

The Society will be comprised of Full Members and Honorary Members:


1) Ordentliche Mitglieder sind aktive Mitglieder. Sie können Tierärzte oder Angehörige eines anderen Berufes sein, die an den Zielen des Vereins interessiert sind.

Full Members are to be considered as active members and may be any veterinarian or member of an other profession who is interested in the objectives of the Society.


2)  Ehrenmitglieder sind Mitglieder, die sich um den Verein besonders verdient gemacht haben; sie werden bei einer ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung gewählt. Die Ehrenmitgliedschaft ist als die höchste Auszeichnung zu betrachten, die der Verein vergeben kann. Ehrenmitglieder haben dieselben Rechte wie ordentliche Mitglieder, sind aber von der Zahlung der Mitgliedsbeiträge befreit.

Honorary Members are those who achieve special recognition by the Society and shall be elected at the members' General Meeting. Honorary membership is to be considered the highest award that can be made by the Society. Honorary Members have the same rights as Full Members but are excused from payment of the membership fee.

 § 4 Rechte und Pflichten der Mitglieder  Rights and Duties of Members

1) Ordentliche Mitglieder und Ehrenmitglieder sind bei der Mitgliederversammlung stimmberechtigt.

Full and Honorary members may vote at General Meetings.


2) Alle Mitglieder haben das Recht, dem Vorstand und der Mitgliederversammlung An­träge zu unterbreiten.

All members may present proposals to the Board of the Society and to the General Meetings.


3) Sie sind berechtigt, an allen Veranstaltungen des Vereins teilzunehmen.

All members may participate in any event organized by the Society.


4) Es wird von den Mitgliedern erwartet:

Members are expected to:


-   die Ziele des Vereins nach besten Kräften zu fördern;

-  further the objectives of the Society to the best of their ability

- alles Eigentum der Gesellschaft mit der erforderlichen Sorgfalt zu behandeln;

- to treat all property of the Society with due care

-  den Mitgliedsbeitrag nach Aufforderung zu entrichten.

-  to forward the membership fee when requested.


5)      Die Mitglieder erhalten keine Gewinnanteile und in ihrer Eigenschaft als Mitglieder auch keine Zuwendungen aus Mitteln des Vereins. Alle Inhaber von Vereinsämtern sind ehrenamtlich tätig.

Members will not receive a share of any profits.


6) Bei ihrem Ausscheiden oder bei Auflösung oder Erlöschen des Vereins dürfen sie nicht mehr als ihre eigenen Kapitalanteile und den Wert ihrer geleisteten Sacheinlagen zurückerhalten.

Following resignation or in the event of dissolution of the Society, members will not receive more than their own share of any capital and the value of their contributions.


§ 5 Mitgliedschaft



1) Anträge auf Mitgliedschaft sind schriftlich einzureichen. Über den Aufnahmeantrag entscheidet der Vorstand mit einfacher Mehrheit. Lehnt der Vorstand die Aufnahme ab, so kann der Antragsteller hiergegen Berufung zur ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung einlegen. Diese entscheidet mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit endgültig, wobei der Präsident bei Stimmengleichheit die ausschlaggebende Stimme hat.

All applications for membership shall be submitted in writing. Acceptance shall be determined by simple majority of the Board. In case of refusal the applicant may appeal to the General Meeting which will reach a final decision by a simple majority, the President having a casting vote in the event of a tie.


2) Die Mitgliedschaft endet durch:

Membership will cease in the event of:



-        Tod

-        death

-        Austritt

-        resignation or

-        Ausschluß

-        exclusion.


3) Die Austrittserklärung hat schriftlich gegenüber dem Vorstand mit einer Frist von drei Monaten zu erfolgen.

Resignation must be submitted in writing to the Board and is subject to three months' notice.


4) Der Ausschluß erfolgt:

Exclusion will follow:


-  bei Rückstand von mehr als einem Jahresbeitrag

-  non-payment of the membership fee after one year following its due date,

-  bei grobem oder wiederholtem Verstoß gegen die Satzung oder gegen die Interessen des Vereins

- severe or repeated violation of the constitution or any activity contrary to the interests of the Society, or

-  wegen unehrenhaften Verhaltens innerhalb oder außerhalb des Vereinslebens.

- misconduct within or outwith the Society.


5) Über den Ausschluß, der mit sofortiger Wirkung erfolgt, entscheidet zunächst der Vorstand mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit. Vor der Entscheidung des Vereinsausschusses ist dem Mitglied unter Setzung einer Frist von mindestens zwei Wochen Gelegenheit zu geben, sich zu den erhobenen Vorwürfen zu äußern. Der Ausschließungsbeschluß ist dem Mitglied unter Darlegung der Gründe bekanntzugeben.

A majority decision by the Board to exclude a member will take effect immediately. Prior to any such decision of the Board a member will be given an opportunity for explanation or defence. A period of not less than two weeks will be allowed for such an appeal to be received. The reason for any exclusion must be delivered to the members together with the decision reached by the board.


6)  Gegen diesen Beschluß ist die Berufung zur Mitgliederversammlung statthaft. Die Be­rufung muß innerhalb einer Frist von einem Monat nach Zugang des Ausschließungs­beschlusses beim Vorstand schriftlich eingelegt werden. In der Mitgliederversammlung ist dem Mitglied Gelegenheit zur Rechtfertigung zu geben.

An appeal against exclusion may be made to the General Meeting. Notice of the appeal must be brought to the attention of the Board, in writing, within a period of one month. The member must be given an opportunity to present such an appeal during the Meeting.


7) Wird gegen den Ausschließungsbeschluß vom Mitglied nicht oder nicht rechtzeitig Be­rufung eingelegt, so kann der Ausschluß nachträglich auch nicht mehr auf dem Klage­wege angefochten werden.

If no appeal is brought, or if such an appeal is made later than the period determined in these statutes, then the exclusion may not subsequently be challenged by any further legal action.


8) Mit Beendigung der Mitgliedschaft erlöschen alle Ansprüche aus dem Mitgliedschafts­verhältnis, unbeschadet des Anspruchs des Vereins auf rückständige Beitragsforderun­gen. Eine Rückgewähr von Beiträgen, Sacheinlagen oder Spenden ist ausgeschlossen.

On termination of membership, all claims upon the member will end, excepting any outstanding membership fees. There will be no reimbursement of any fees, goods or donations.


§ 6 Mitgliedsbeiträge

Membership Fees


1) Der Verein erhebt einen Jahresmitgliedsbeitrag, dessen Höhe vom Vorstand vorbehalt­lich der Zustimmung der ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung festgesetzt wird.

An annual membership fee shall be levied, the amount to be determined by the Board, subject to agreement at the General Meeting.


2) Der Beitrag ist auch dann für ein Jahr zu zahlen, wenn ein Mitglied während des Jahres austritt, ausgeschlossen wird oder erst während des Geschäftsjahres eintritt.

Payment of the annual fees will also be required where a member joins during a current year, resigns or is excluded from the Society.


§ 7 Aufbau des Vereins

Organization of the Society



Die Organe des Vereins sind:

The Society shall consist of:



1) der Vorstand

the Board

2)die ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung.

the General Meeting


§ 8 Der Vorstand

The Board


1) Der Vorstand der Gesellschaft besteht aus:

The Board of the Society will consist of:


-        Präsident

-        President

-        Vizepräsident

-        Vice-President

-        Sekretär

-        Secretary

-        Schatzmeister

-        Ratsmitglied # 1

-        Ratsmitglied # 2

-        Treasurer

-        Councillor #1

-        Councillor #2


Der Präsident der ESVCP wird der Vorsitzende des Wissenschaftlichen Ausschusses der ECVCP, Reg. London, Großbritannien (ECVCP) und Ratsmitglied # 1 und Ratsmitglied # 2 werden Vorstandsmitglieder des Wissenschaftlichen Ausschusses des ECVCP sein. Vizepräsident, Sekretär und Schatzmeister werden von den ESVCP-Mitgliedern gewählt.

Für den Fall, dass kein Vorstandsmitglied in Deutschland wohnt, ernennt der Vorstand ein Ehrenmitglied oder Vollmitglied, das in Deutschland als Vertreter der Gesellschaft im Gerichtshof (im Sinne des §30 BGB).

The President of the ESVCP will be the chairman of the ECVCP Scientific Committee, Reg. London, UK (ECVCP) and Council Member # 1 and Councilor # 2 will be board members of the ECVCP Scientific Committee. Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by ESVCP members.

In the event that no board member lives in Germany, the board appoints an honorary member or full member in Germany as representative of the company in the court (within the meaning of §30 BGB).


2) Der Verein wird gerichtlich und außergerichtlich von einem Vorstandsmitglied gemäß Abschnitt 1) vertreten. Die Vorstandsmitglieder sind mit der Verwaltung der Geschäfte des Vereins betraut. Der Vorstand faßt seine Be­schlüsse in Vorstandssitzungen; der Vorstand ist beschlußfähig, wenn mindestens vier Vorstandsmitglieder anwesend sind. Der Vorstand faßt die Beschlüsse mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen. Bei Stimmengleichheit entscheidet die Stimme des Sitzungsleiters.

The Society will be represented judicially and extrajudicially by one Board Member in each case. The officers of the Board shall be in charge of the administration of the affairs of the Society. At least four Board Members must be present for any decisions to be valid. All decisions of the Board will be taken by a simple majority of votes, the President holding a casting vote, should this be required.


3) Der Vorstand wird von der Mitgliederversammlung auf die Dauer von zwei Jahren gewählt.

The terms of office shall be for 2 years, the Board being elected by the General Meeting.


4) Die Wiederwahl des Vorstandes ist möglich. Der Präsident darf für nicht mehr als zwei aufeinanderfolgende Wahlperioden im Amt sein. Eine spätere erneute Präsidentschaft ist möglich.

Officers may precede themselves in office without limitation. The President may be re-elected for not more than two consecutive terms of office. Additional non-consecutive terms of office are permitted.


5) Der Präsident leitet alle Versammlungen, fungiert als Vorsitzender des Vorstands, ernennt alle Ausschüsse.

The President shall conduct all meetings; shall serve as chairman of the Executive Board; shall appoint all committees.


6) In Abwesenheit des Präsidenten führt der Vizepräsident den Vorsitz und erfüllt dabei die Pflichten, die sonst dem Präsidenten obliegen würden. Der Vizepräsident fungiert als Vorsitzender der ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung bei der Jahresversammlung. Er ist auch für das wissenschaftliche Programm verantwortlich, Der Vizepräsident wird auf unbefristete Zeit amtierender Präsident, wenn der Präsident aus irgendeinem Grunde seinen Amtspflichten nicht nachkommen kann.

The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and, when so acting, shall perform such duties as would otherwise devolve upon the President. The Vice-President shall serve as General Meeting Chairman for the Annual Meeting. The Vice-President shall be responsible for the scientific program. The Vice-President shall become acting President for any unexpired term if for any reason the President is unable to fulfill the duties of office.


7) Bei Abwesenheit des Präsidenten und Vizepräsidenten führt ein von den Anwesenden gewähltes Mitglied des Vorstandes den Vorsitz.

In the absence of the President and Vice-President, a member of the Board selected by those present shall be the presiding officer.


8) Der Schriftführer erledigt Geschäfte wie Schreibarbeiten, Bekanntmachungen, Post­versand und Koordination nach Weisung des Vorstands.

The Secretary shall transact such business as mailing, typing, notifying, correspondence, correlating and compiling, as directed by the Board.


9) Der Schatzmeister ist mit allen Finanzangelegenheiten betraut. Dieses Vorstandsmit­glied führt die Mitgliederlisten und benachrichtigt Mitglieder bei Rückstand fälliger Mit­gliedsbeiträge. Bei jeder Jahresversammlung erstellt der Schatzmeister eine Bilanz für das Vorjahr. Zahlungsanweisungen über Euro 2.500 sind von einem weiteren Vorstandsmitglied zu genehmigen.

The Treasurer shall be in charge of all financial affairs. This officer shall maintain the rolls of membership and shall notify members of delinquency in the payment of dues. At each Annual Meeting the Treasurer shall prepare a balance sheet for the previous year. Payments exceeding 2,500 Euro must be authorised by another Board Member.


10) Bei Ausscheiden eines Vorstandsmitgliedes haben die übrigen Vorstandsmitglie­der das Recht, einen Ersatzmann bis zur nächsten Mitgliederversammlung zu wählen.

In the case of a member resigning from the Board, the remaining Board Members may co-opt a further member until the next General Meeting.


§ 9 Wahl des Vorstands

Election of the Board


1) Der Schriftführer muß an alle Mitglieder eine Liste der demnächst freiwerdenden Positionen übersenden und um Vorschläge bitten.

The Secretary must send to all members a list of the forthcoming vacancies and ask for proposals.


2) Jedes Mitglied kann einen Vorschlag einreichen, nachdem es sich vergewissert hat, daß die vorgeschlagene Person zur Übernahme des Amtes bereit ist.

Any member may send a proposal after ensuring that the proposed person is willing to stand.


3) Vom Schriftführer wird dann eine Briefwahl für alle Mitglieder dergestalt durchgeführt, daß die Geheimhaltung gewahrt bleibt.

A postal ballot will then be conducted by the Secretary from all members in such a manner that secrecy shall be maintained.


4) Die Briefwahlformulare werden bei der Jahresversammlung geöffnet und ausgezählt.

The ballot forms will be opened and counted at the Annual Meeting.


§ 10 Die ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung

The General Meeting


1)Die ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung ist einmal jährlich vom Vorstand einzuberufen.

The General Meeting must be convened annually by the Board.


2) Die Mitglieder sind unter Bekanntgabe der Tagesordnung und unter Einhaltung einer Frist von mindestens einem Monat schriftlich einzuladen.

Notice of the Meeting including the Agenda must be received by the members in writing at least one month prior to the date of the Meeting.


3) Der Vorstand kann auch jederzeit eine außerordentliche Mitgliederversammlung einberufen. Hierzu ist er verpflichtet, wenn ein Zehntel der stimmberechtigten Mitglieder dies unter Angabe des Zweckes und der Gründe schriftlich verlangt. In diesem Fall sind die Mitglieder unter Bekanntgabe der Tagesordnung und Einhaltung einer Frist von minde­stens zwei Wochen einzuladen.

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Board or if one tenth of the members who hold voting rights request such a Meeting in writing, together with the reason for such a request. Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting with the Agenda must be given to the members at least two weeks prior to the date of the Meeting.


4) Die Mitgliederversammlung ist beschlußfähig, wenn mindestens 15% der zum Zeit­punkt der Ankündigung der Versammlung stimmberechtigten Mitglieder anwesend sind.

A quorum for all General Meetings shall be at least 15 % of the membership eligible to vote on the date of issue of the notice of the Meeting.

Bei Beschlußunfähigkeit muß der Vorstand binnen eines Monats eine zweite Versamm­lung mit derselben Tagesordnung einberufen. Diese ist dann ohne Rücksicht auf die Zahl der erschienen Mitglieder beschlußfähig.

If a quorum is not present, the Board must call a second Meeting to be held within one month with the same Agenda. This second Meeting will be valid regardless of the number of members present.

In der Einladung zu der zweiten Versammlung ist auf diese besondere Beschlußfähigkeit hinzuweisen.

Notice of this second Meeting must indicate clearly that this meeting will have such validity.


§ 11 Obliegenheiten der ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung

Duties of the General Meeting


Die ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung hat im einzelnen folgende Aufgaben:

The General Meeting has the following particular duties:


1) Protokoll der vorausgegangenen ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung und sich daraus ergebende Angelegenheiten.

Minutes of the previous General Meeting, and matters arising.


2) Wahl des Vorstandes.

Election of the Board


3) Wahl von zwei Rechnungsprüfern für die Dauer von zwei Jahren. Die Rechnungsprüfer sind berechtigt, jederzeit die Geldmittel und die Konten des Vereins zu prüfen. Die Rechnungsprüfer müssen der Jahresversammlung einen Jahresbericht über die Prü­fung der Konten des Vereins vorlegen.

Election of two Auditors for two years. The Auditors are entitled to examine the funds and the accounts of the Society at any time. The Auditors must submit an annual report of the examination of the accounts of the Society to the Annual Meeting.


4) Die Entgegennahme des Jahres- und Kassenberichtes des Vorstandes, des Prüfungs­berichtes der Kassenprüfer und Erteilung der Entlastung.

To receive Annual Reports of the activities of the Society from the President, the Treasurer and the Auditors.


5) Den Jahresmitgliedsbeitrag zu genehmigen.

To agree the annual membership fee


6) Die Aufstellung des Haushaltsplans.

To agree the Budget


7) Ernennung von Ehrenmitgliedern.

To nominate Honorary Members


8) Die Beschlußfassung über Satzungsänderungen und allen sonstigen ihr vom Vorstand unterbreiteten Aufgaben sowie die nach der Satzung übertragenen Angelegenheiten.

To determine any changes in statutes, matters duly determined by the Board, as well as any matters asigned to it by the statutes.


9) Alle zuvor von Mitgliedern in der Tagesordnung angekündigten Angelegenheiten zu besprechen.

To discuss any matters previously notified in the Agenda by members


10) Beschlußfassung über die Auflösung des Vereins.

To decide about dissolution of the Society.


§ 12 Abhaltung der ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlungen

Conduct of the General Meetings


1)      Den Vorsitz in der ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung führt der Präsident, bei seiner Verhinderung der Vizepräsident. Bei Abwesenheit beider ein vom Präsidenten ernannter Stellvertreter.

The General Meeting will be chaired by the President; or in case of his absence by the Vice-President. In the absence of the latter the chair may be taken by any substitute nominated by the President.


2)      Sofern die Satzung nichts anderes bestimmt, werden alle Beschlüsse mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit durch offene Abstimmung gefaßt. Eine Vertretung in der Stimmabgabe ist bei Vorlage einer schriftlichen Vollmacht zulässig.

All decisions will be taken by a simple majority of votes on an open show of hands unless determined otherwise by the statutes. Voting by proxy may be allowed upon presentation of a written letter of authority.


3)      Die Wahl der Vorstandsmitglieder sowie der Kassenprüfer erfolgt geheim. Bei Stimmengleichheit ist ein zweiter Wahlgang erforderlich. Wird keine Mehrheit erzielt, dann erfolgt die endgültige Entscheidung durch das Los.

The Election of Board Members as well as of Auditors shall be by secret ballot. If no majority of votes is obtained then a second vote shall be taken. If a majority is not obtained then the final decision is made by lottery.


4)      Bewerben sich mehr als zwei Personen für ein Amt und erreicht keine die einfache Mehrheit der abgegebenen gültigen Stimmen, so findet eine Stichwahl zwischen den beiden Kandidaten statt, die im ersten Wahlgang die meisten Stimmen erzielt haben.

Where more than two candidates are nominated for election to office and when no one candidate receives an overall majority of votes then a second vote shall be taken between the two candidates who received the greatest number of votes in the first ballot.


§ 13 Beschlüsse und Berichte

Decisions and Reports


1)      Alle Beschlüsse des Vorstands und der ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung sind schriftlich niederzulegen und vom Sitzungsleiter und dem jeweiligen Schriftführer zu unterzeichnen.

All decisions of the Board and General Meeting must be put in writing and signed by the President and Secretary of every meeting.


2)      Bei jeder ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung ist ein Protokoll zu führen, das vom Versammlungsleiter und vom Schriftführer zu unterzeichnen ist.

Minutes of every General Meeting must be taken and signed by the President and Secretary.


§ 14 Satzungsänderungen



1)      Eine Änderung der Satzung kann nur durch die ordentliche Jahresmitgliederversamm­lung beschlossen werden. Bei der Einladung ist die Angabe des zu ändernden Para­graphen der Satzung in der Tagesordnung bekanntzugeben. Ein Beschluß, der eine Änderung der Satzung enthält, bedarf einer Mehrheit von zwei Drittel der abgegebenen Stimmen.

The statutes may only be changed at the Annual General Meeting. Any statutes for change must be notified in the Agenda of the meeting. A majority of at least two thirds of the votes is necessary for any change.


2)      Jeder Beschluß über die Änderung der Satzung ist vor dessen Anmeldung beim Registergericht dem zuständigen Finanzamt vorzulegen.

Any prospective alterations to the statutes shall be submitted to the responsible Tax Office prior to application thereto for registration with the Registry Court.

 § 15 Vermögen Property



1)      Alle Beiträge, Einnahmen und Mittel des Vereins werden ausschließlich zur Erreichung des Vereinszweckes verwendet.

All contributions, income and funds of the Society may only be used to achieve the aims of the Society.


2)      Niemand darf durch Ausgaben, die dem Zweck des Vereins fremd sind, oder durch unverhältnismäßig hohe Vergütungen begünstigt werden.

No expenditure may be made by the Board which does not serve the goals of the Society, or pay expenses which are unreasonably high.


§ 16 Auflösung des Vereins

Dissolution of the Society


1)      Die Auflösung des Vereins erfolgt durch Beschluß der ordentlichen Mitgliederver­sammlung, wobei zwei Drittel der abgegebenen Stimmen für die Auflösung stimmen müssen.

The dissolution of the Society may only be determined at a General Meeting provided that a majority of two thirds of the votes are in favour.


2)      Die Mitgliederversammlung ernennt zur Abwicklung der Geschäfte zwei Liquidatoren.

Two liquidators will be appointed at the General Meeting to wind up the Affairs of the Society.


3)      Nach der Auflösung der Gesellschaft, deren Erlöschen oder Änderung oder Aufhören des gegenwärtigen Zweckes, werden die Eigenschaften der Gesellschaft auf eine öffentliche Körperschaft oder eine ähnliche steuerbefreite Körperschaft zurückgeführt, die zur Förderung der Wissenschaft und Forschung eingerichtet wird.


Following the dissolution of the Company, its lapse or change or cessation of its present purpose, the Company's properties are attributed to a public corporation or similar tax-exempt corporation established to promote science and research.

Die Satzung wurde in den Gründungsversammlungen vom 26.9.1998 errichtet.



Abgeändert aufgrund eines Beschlusses der Jahreshauptversammlung vom September 2005 ( (§ 2.8, 3.1, 8.1, and 8.2)


Abgeändert aufgrund eines Beschlusses der Jahreshauptversammlung vom September 2010 ( (§ 2.3 und 8.1)


Abgeändert aufgrund eines Beschlusses der Jahreshauptversammlung vom November 2013 ( (§ 8.1 und 16.3)


The Constitution was ratified at the inaugural meeting on September 26th, 1998.


Modified by AGM September 2005 (para 2.8, 3.1, 8.1, and 8.2)


Modified by AGM September 2010 (2.3 and 8.1)



Modified by AGM November 2013 (8.1 and 16.3)


ESVCP Letter of Pre-Intent

The ESVCP Working Group (formed at the Perugia meeting to investigate establishing a specialty of Veterinary Clinical Pathology) drafted a letter to the EBVS indicating its remit and the ESVCP intention of establishing a vet speciality within Europe. This letter, copied below, was submitted in Nov 99 by JP, although he received no response. I just came across the July 2000 issue of the FVE newsletter and on pages 6 and 7 in the education section it describes successful application for formation of ECLAM, and then states the following...

"Applications were also received for the establishment of a College for Bovine Veterinarians and of one for Clinical Pathology. In both cases, the EBVS judged that this would create a major overlap with existing colleges." In both cases, the EBVS judged that this would create a major overlap with existing colleges."

European Board of Veterinary Specialization
c/o : Federation of Veterinarians in Europe
Rue Defacqz 1
B 1000 Bruxelles - Belgique
Re : Information about a tentative European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology

Dear Sir,

    At its latest general assembly, Friday, October 15th, the ESVCP - European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology - has discussed the opportunity of creating a European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology in the aim of training veterinary graduates in this speciality, establishing standards for the qualification of specialists, furthering scientific progress in this field, etc.

    Following discussions and majority agreement on the need to establish a European speciality on veterinary clinical pathology, a subcommittee was formed whose purpose is :
i) to investigate whether a European speciality of Veterinary Clinical Pathology should be formed as an independent College or as a subspeciality of an existing College;
ii) to define a plan and time-table for establishing the speciality;
iii) to report back to ESCVP when completed, and by next meeting at the latest

    The first actions of this group will be :
i) to poll ESVCP members about their individual opinion concerning the creation of a College, its independent vs dependent status, etc.
ii) to collect information about the number of people mainly involved in Vet Clin Path in Europe with the curricula of those wishing to participate in the possible creation of a College
iii) to collect information about the number of professional positions available to specialists of Vet Clin Path in Europe.

Sincerely yours,

The subcommittee for the establishment
of a European speciality
of Veterinary Clinical Pathology

Jean-Pierre Braun, Dr Vet, Dr Sc
Professor, Biochemistry-Biophysics, Dpt Sciences Biologiques et
Fonctionnelles & UMR Physiopathologie et Toxicologie Expérimentales,
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, 23 Chemin des Capelles, 31076 Toulouse
Cedex 3, France
Phone : (+33) 561 19 38 44; Fax : (+33) 561 19 39 78; e-mail :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP) was founded on Saturday, September 26th, 1998.

Founding Executive Committee:

A preliminary executive committee with a president and a member from each actual major area of interest of Veterinary Clinical Pathology was elected:

Prof. Dr. Johannes Hirschberger
Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine
University of Munich
Veterinaerstr. 13; D-80539 Muenchen
Fax: +49 89 2180 6240

Prof. Dr. Corinne Fournel-Fleury
Ecole Nationale Veterinaire
BP 83, F-69280
Marcy l'Etoile, France

Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Magnol
Ecole Nationale Veterinaire
BP 83, F-69280
Marcy l'Etoile, France

Prof. Dr. Asger Lundorff Jensen
Central Laboratory, Dept. Clin. Studies
Royal Veterinary and Agric. University
Bulowsvej 13, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C
Fax: +49 89 2180 6240
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Founding Members of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP):


Prof. Dr. Elmar Bamberg
Institut für Biochemie
Veterinärplatz 1
1210 Wien
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Dr. Ugo Bonfanti
Gran Sasso
Via Donatello 27
20131 MILANO
Tel.: 02 2663095 Fax: 02 2663222

Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Braun
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire
23, Chemin des Capelles
31076 Toulouse
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Dr. Anna Eggertsdottir
Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine,
Dept. of Small Animal
P.O. Box 8146
dep N-0033 OSLO
Tel.: +47 22964749
Fax: +47 22597070
anna This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mme Prof. Dr. Corinne Fournel-Fleury
Service de Medicine
École Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon
1, avenue Bourgelat, 1 - B.P. 83
Tel.: +33 478872610
Fax: +33 478872617

Prof. Dr. Tibor Gaal 
Istvan .n.2
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Prof. Jean-Francois Guelfi 
École Nationale Vétérinaire
23 Chemin des Capelles
31076 Toulouse

Dr. Edward Hall
University of Bristol
Dept. of Clinal Vet. Science
Langford House
Langford, Bristol BS18 7DU
Tel.: 01179289280
Fax: 01179289628
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Prof. Dr. Johannes Hirschberger
Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Veterinaerstr. 13
D-80539 Muenchen
Fax: +49 89 2180 6240
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Dr. Wilhelm R. Holler
Tierklinik Leonding
Mayrhansenstrasse 21
4060 Leonding
Tel.: +43 732 672821
Fax: +43 732 672821 1
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Prof. Dr. Jensen Asger Lundorff
Dept. Clin. Studies
Royal Agricultural University
Bülowsvej 13
DK - 1870 Frederiksberg C
Fax +45 35282947
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Dr. Martin Kessler
Tierärztl Klinik für Kleintiere
Im Langgewann 9
65719 Hofheim
Tel.: +49 6192 290290
Fax: +49 6192 290299

Dr. Martina Klinkon
Veterinary faculty
Clinic for ruminants
Cesta v Mestni log 47
1000 Ljubljana
FAX: 00386 61 332-308

Dr. Jean-Pierre Magnol
Dermatology-Oncology Unit
Ecole Nationale Véterinaire
BP 83,  69280 Marcy l'Etoile

Dr. Andreas Moritz
Medizinische u. Gerichtliche Veterinärklinik I
Justus-Liebig Universität
Frankfurter strasse 126
35392 Giessen
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Dr. Elizabeth H. Normand, B.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S.
Division of Small Animal Clinical Studies
Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Studies
University of Glasgow Veterinary Schools
Bearsden Road, Bearsden, GLASGOW G61 1QH
Tel.: +44 141 3305700
Fax: +44 141 9427215
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Dr. Kostas Papasouliotis 
University of Bristol
Langford House
Langford, Bristol BS18 7DU
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Application to the EBVS for the Establishment of an Independent European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP)


Oct 31st, 2001

Revised Feb 2nd, 2011

Pg 1  Organisation and content of application.

Pg 2  Membership of committees

Pg 3 Current and past officers

Pg 4 Abstract on clinical pathology training / employment opportunities

Pg 5 Abstract on basis for ECVCP independence

Pg 6  Constitution

Pg 11 Bylaws

Pg 17 Information Brochure

Pg 26 CV's of 15 Organising committee members (omitted from site copy)

Pg 41 CV's of 6 defacto specialists to fill interim committees (omitted from site copy)

Organisation and Content of Application.

This application contains the proposed constitution and bylaws for a European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) and an explanatory information brochure about the college. These together describe and define the a) discipline of veterinary clinical pathology, b) the objectives, structure and organisation of the college, and c) describe the major functions including examination, training, continuing education of its members, and of the development of laboratory standards and of the science for veterinary clinical pathology.

The constitution and bylaws of the proposed ECVCP are modelled after and therefore frequently adhere closely to those of related European colleges, most especially those of the ECVPT, ECVIM, ECLAM, and ECVP. Much of the evidence that the organisation would meet EBVS criteria for the formation of a College have been previously presented to the EBVS in: a) the Letter of Information submitted to the EBVS on Nov 1st 1999; b) the Letter of Intent submitted to the EBVS on Nov 1st 2000, and c) the Letter of Rebuttal to claims that the Veterinary Clinical Pathology should be a subspeciality of ECVP or ECVIM-CA submitted to the EBVS on Mar 30th, 2001. These included a definition of the science, its role in the training of veterinarians, the likely employment of diplomates and the availability of training programs.

Also included is the published abstract of the trans-European survey by the ESVCP on the sufficiency of the number of qualified practitioners, facilities, training and employment opportunities to establish an ECVCP. The survey forms are retained by the ESVCP, and are available for scrutiny, and a summary has already been presented to the EBVS in its Letters of Intent and Rebuttal referred to above.

The Letter of Rebuttal to the EBVS regarding the basis for establishment of an independent ECVCP rather than a subspeciality of an existing college (ECVP, ECVIM-CA) submitted to the EBVS on Mar 30th, 2001 is 29 pages in length, includings its attached references and data. Because of its length, it is not resubmitted here although a published abstract of it is presented below on page 4.

The curriculum vitaes of the organising committee members and the 15 proposed charter diplomates are included, ordered alphabetically and formatted according to EBVS recommendations. Additionally included are the cv's of 6 persons that are pre-approved for immediate appointment as defacto members as described in the constitution. It is noteworthy that these were selected from 23 persons asking to be made defacto specialists. It is also noteworthy that one of the charter diplomates and two of the proposed defacto specialists are currently ECVIM-CA diplomates. However, all three individuals spend 100% their time in veterinary clinical pathology and prefer to be identified as clinical pathology specialists rather than internal medicine specialists.

The persons identified below and their institutions define locations of training opportunities to be first approved for aspiring clinical pathologist. clear=all style=' page-break-before:always'>


Membership of ECVCP Organising Committee and Proposed ECVCP Committees

ECVCP Organising Committee Members

Denmark:  Asger Jensen

England:  Joy Archer and Peter O'Brien

France:  Jean-Pierre Braun and Corinne Fournel

Ireland:  Hugh Larkin

Italy:  Saverio Paltrinieri

Greece:  Zoe Polizopoulou

Hungary:  Tibor Gaal

Scotland:  Kathy Freeman

Spain:   Jose Ceron and Josep Pastor

Sweden:  Maud Palm and Harold Tvedten

Switzerland:  Anne Bolliger Provencher

6 Defacto Specialists For Immediate Appointment Upon Provisional Recognition

Austria: Ilse Schwendenwein

England: John Dunn and Kostas Papasouliotis

Norway: Stein Thoresen

Spain: Stefano Comazzi

Hungary: Peter Vajdovich

ECVCP Committee Volunteers

Interim Executive Committee (6): current ESVCP executive, Joy Archer, Jean-Pierre Braun

Credentials Committee (3): Anne Bolliger Provencher, Zoe Polizopoulou, Harold Tvedten

Education Committee (3): Jose Ceron, Jean-Pierre Baun, John Dunn

Examinations Committee (4): Hugh Larkin, Saverio Paltrinieri, Ilse Schwendenwein

Laboratory Standards Committee (3): Asger Jensen, Stein Thoresen, Kathy Freeman

Science Committee (3): Joy Archer, Josep Pastor, Stefano Comazzi

Nominating Committee (3): Kostas Papasouliotis, Maud Palm, Peter Vajdovich


Past and Current Officers of the ESVCP

Past Officers of the ESVCP

President: Prof. Dr. JohannesHirschberger
Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine
University of Munich
Veterinaerstr. 13; D-80539 Muenchen
Fax: +49 89 2180 6240

Vice-President: Prof. Dr. Corinne Fournel-Fleury
Ecole Nationale Veterinaire
BP 83, F-69280
Marcy l'Etoile, France

Tel: +33 478872610 Fax: +33 4788 72617

Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Secretary: Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Magnol
Ecole Nationale Veterinaire
BP 83, F-69280
Marcy l'Etoile, France

Treasurer: Prof. Dr. Asger Lundorff Jensen
Central Laboratory, Dept. Clin. Studies
Royal Veterinary and Agric. University
Bulowsvej 13, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C
Denmark Fax: +49 89 2180 6240
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Current Officers of the ESVCP

President: Dr. Peter J. O'Brien

Westwood House
Betteshanger, Nr. Deal
United Kingdom
CT14 0NL
Tel:   +44 1304 613984
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vice President: Prof. Dr. Corinne Fournel-Fleury
Ecole Nationale Veterinaire
BP 83, F-69280
Marcy l'Etoile, France
Tel: +33 478872610 Fax: +33 4788 72617
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Secretary: Dr. Anne Provencher Bolliger
Michigan State University
Endocrine Diagnostic Section
AHDL, MSU PO Box 30076
Lansing, MI 48909-7576 USA
Tel: 517-353-5493
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Treasurer: Dr. Kathleen P. Freeman
Clinical Pathology and Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Animal Health Trust, Lanwades Park, Kentford, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7UU, England
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +44 1638 552 993 Fax: +44 1638 750 794


ESVCP Survey

published in Veterinary Clinical Pathology 2001; 30:155

Status of Veterinary Clinical Pathology in Europe

O'Brien PJ1, Braun JP2, Fournel-Fleury C3, Provencher Bolliger AL4, Roberts L5 (ESVCP Working Group on Establishing a European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology)

1Bygrave, England, 2University of Toulouse, France; 3University of Lyon, France, 4University of Bern, Switzerland, 5IDEXX, England

Background: A questionnaire about veterinary clinical pathology (VCP; clinical biochemistry, haematology, cytology) was widely distributed in Europe to assess sufficiency of the number of qualified practitioners, facilities, training and employment opportunities to establish a European College of VCP. Results: 99 veterinarians involved with VCP responded from the UK (25), Italy (11), Germany (10), France (9), Austria (7), Sweden (6), Spain (5), and Norway (5), and 13 other countries. ~700 professional, technical and administrative staff worked in VCP at 29 veterinary schools, 9 private practices, 8 commercial laboratories, 7 pharmaceutical companies, and 2 government agencies. Only 14 practitioners had formal certification in VCP, (6 by Fachtierarzt fuer Klinische Laboratoriumdiagnostik, 4 by American Boards, 3 by the Royal College of Pathology (VCP) and 1 by Agregation); 78 were not, although 15 of these were certified in veterinary internal medicine (ECVIM-CA) and 12 in veterinary morphologic pathology (eg ECVP). 32 respondents had a PhD. Respondents practiced VCP for > 60% of their time (48), ~50% time (14), ~30% time (15), or <20% time (10), with 81 having >3 years experience and 54 having >10 years experience. Specialisation was in all (33), two (25), or one (19) VCP subspecialties, or in peripheral areas (15). 64 respondents had >3 first-authored publications and 34 had >10; 57 had >3 second-authored publications with 33 having >10. 30 practitioners had no formal training, whereas 8, 7, 8 5, and 32 had received training for 1, 2, 3, 4 and >5 years, respectively, at 11 US, 10 UK, 4 German, 3 Spanish, 2 Swedish, 2 French, 2 Canadian institutes and single sites in 11 other countries. 23 current employment opportunities were identified in academia (18), commercial diagnostic labs (3) and industry (2). Up to 43 respondents were considered to have met criteria of the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS) as defacto members, although 6 of these were ECVIM-CA diplomates. 51 respondents voted to establish an independent European College of VCP, including 8 ECVIM-CA diplomates, 8 respondents voted for establishing VCP as an ECVIM-CA subspecialty (including 4 ECVIM-CA diplomates) and 8 respondents voted for establishing VCP as an ECVP subspecialty (including 3 ECVIM-CA diplomates and 3 ECVP diplomates). Training opportunities were identified at 17 schools with VCP in veterinary academic programs, 14 schools with post-graduate programs or residencies, 10 sites with facilities, instrumentation, diagnostic service, and case archives for informal training. 53 are experienced teachers of VCP. Respondents regularly attended annual scientific meetings, workshops and courses on VCP at least once for 24 of them, twice for 35 and thrice or more for 11. Conclusions: This survey unequivocally demonstrates that, based on EBVS criteria and precedence, there is sufficient need, critical mass of qualified practitioners and teachers of VCP, facilities, and training and employment opportunities to establish an independent European College of VCP to oversee training and certification in VCP, and to develop this discipline.


ESVCP Research

published in Veterinary Clinical Pathology 2001; 30:167

Basis for Establishment of the Specialty of Veterinary Clinical Pathology as an Independent College rather than as a Subspecialty of an Existing College

O'Brien PJ1, Braun JP2, Fournel-Fleury C3, Provencher Bolliger AL4, Freeman KP5, Archer J6

1Bygrave, England, 2Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Toulouse, France; 3Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Lyon, France, France, 4University of Bern, Switzerland, 5IDEXX, England, 6University of London, England

Background: The European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP) formed a committee to assess whether the specialty of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (VCP) should be established as a subspecialty of the European Colleges with which it interacts with most (Veterinary Internal Medicine [ECVIM-CA] and Veterinary Pathology [ECVP]), or as an independent college. Information was collected from collegiate discussion, interviews, surveys, questionnaires, literature, and discussion with ESVCP members and senior members of related societies (ECVIM-CA, ESVIM, ECVP, ESVP, ACVP, ASVCP, ISACB, AECCP, EBVS). Results: 1) Surveys by various societies document a compelling and widespread need for formal establishment of the speciality of VCP in Europe. 2) VCP has evolved over the last generation to be laboratory-based and clearly distinct and identifiable from all other veterinary specialities in its knowledge base and practices, including methodology, technology, process, and emphasis on laboratory management. 3) There are numerous precedences set by the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS) in establishing other colleges based on similar critical mass, need, and distinctiveness. 4) VCP is treated by the Royal College of Pathologists (RCP) as equivalently distinct and identifiable as is morphologic Veterinary Pathology. A poll of RCP members involved with VCP indicated that a majority supported establishing an independent European College of VCP. Examination of the incentives for formation of the American model a generation ago indicated these were no longer in place. 5) There is strong majority support by representative practitioners of VCP across Europe for the establishment of an independent college. 6) In contrast to ECVP, ECVIM-CA had strong ties with VCP based on participation in scientific meetings, journal publications, formal affiliations, and numerous members being qualified to practice VCP. However, in contrast to VCP, ECVIM-CA focused on companion animals. A poll of ECVIM-CA diplomates involved with VCP indicated majority support for establishment of an independent college. 7) Establishment of an independent European College of VCP would enhance the recognition and credibility of this speciality and accelerate its development. There is no real need of existing colleges to include VCP, nor substantive value in doing so. Establishment of VCP as a sub-speciality of an existing college may be inhibitory to the development of VCP and likely the speciality of that college as it would need to be redefined, including the constitution, training and examination programs, and probably the name. Conclusions: All criteria defined by the EBVS for establishing VCP as an independent college are seen to be met. There is compelling rationale, substantial data, and wide-spread majority support for establishment of an independent European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.


European College of

Veterinary Clinical Pathology


Nov 2001


The European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) will be established according to the general scheme for veterinary specialization in Europe which has been encouraged by the Advisory Committee for Veterinary Training (ACVT report document III/F/5285/3/91) and described in the "Policies and Procedures of the European Board of Veterinary Specialization [EBVS] (1995)".

The ECVCP was initiated by the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP) at its first meeting in Vienna on September 26th 1998. Subsequent studies, reviews, and surveys by the ESVCP documented a need for an independent ECVCP and that EBVS criteria had been met for establishing an ECVCP (Veterinary Clinical Pathology 2001; 30:155,167). This College resulted from a growing desire to harmonize postgraduate training and provide certification in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe and a need for well-educated veterinary clinical pathologists with certified experience for leading positions in veterinary schools, commercial and government laboratories, and the pharmaceutical industry.

Veterinary clinical pathology is a discipline-oriented specialisation, which focuses on the development, application and interpretation of diagnostic laboratory procedures for monitoring animal health and the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and the monitoring of animal disease. It is applied primarily to companion, agricultural, and laboratory animals, but also to aquatic and zoo animals and wildlife.

The primary objectives of the College are to advance veterinary clinical pathology, promote a high standard of veterinary clinical pathology and veterinary clinical pathologists practising in Europe, and to promote research in the area of veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

This publication provides the Constitution and By-laws of the ECVCP as accepted by the EBVS (May 2002, Utrecht), and an Information Brochure with further information about the ECVCP, including a description of the science, a description of the requirements for admission to the College, a profile of the speciality, and application and examination procedures.




Article 1: Name and Structure

1.1 The name of the College shall be: the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology - hereafter referred to as the "ECVCP", hereinafter referred to as "the College"

1.2 The College shall be registered and domiciled in London, England.

1.3 The College shall be a part of the transnational structure for veterinary specialization in the European Community (E.C.), as recommended by the Advisory Committee for Veterinary Training (ACVT) of the E.C., set up by the Council Board Decision 78/1028/EEC of 18 December 1978 and OJ No L 302 of 22 December 1978, in its report document III/F/5285/3/91. The structure includes the Coordinating Committee for Veterinary Specialization (CCVS), the European Board of Veterinary Specialization (EBVS), the Supervisory Committees for the speciality, and the Colleges of Specialists.

1.4 The College shall be incorporated under the laws of England as a non-profit educational organisation. The term for which it is organised shall be indefinite. However, in the event of dissolution of the Corporation, its property shall be distributed for educational purposes as determined by the Council Board.

1.5 The College shall run concurrently with the calendar year, subject to the first society year ending on the last day of December of the year in which the college is established.


The College shall have the following objectives:

2.1 To establish standards of training, experience, and examination for qualification as a specialist in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

2.2 To further the recognition of such qualified specialists by suitable certification and other means in Europe.

2.3 To develop and supervise continuing education programmes in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

2.4 To encourage and promote the establishment of standards for the performance of laboratory procedures in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

2.5 To further research and scientific progress in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.


3.1 The types of membership in this organization shall be:

(a) Founder Diplomate

(b) Diplomate

(c) Honorary Diplomate

(d) Non-practising Diplomate

3.2 Qualifications for membership:

In accordance with the policies of the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation only veterinarians may become diplomates of European veterinary speciality colleges. Veterinarians elected to membership of the College shall be designated a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology and shall be authorised to use the designation of diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (Diplomate, European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology; DipECVCP).

3.3 Founding diplomates shall be specialists selected according to the following criteria in order to establish the College and to enable it to function during the initial period. There are two types of founding diplomates who are not required to submit to examination, charter diplomates and de facto recognised specialists.

(a)   Charter Diplomate: These founding diplomates are distinguished and experienced members in the field. There shall be no more than 2 per European country and the number shall be limited to those essential to conduct the business of the speciality and to achieve provisional recognition. They must:

(i) be a member of the organising committee established to achieve provisional recognition of the ECVCP;

(ii) have achieved distinction in the field and have qualifications far exceeding those proposed as necessary for candidates to take  the certifying examination of the College;

(iii) have at least ten years experience in the speciality, having spent at least their time practicing veterinary clinical pathology;

(iv) have a PhD or equivalent degree;

(v) have contributed significantly to the field by research, publication and lectures;

(vi) be recognised by their peers as leaders in their field and be uncontroversial to the majority of members;

(vii) be practising in Europe; and

(viii) be an active member of the ESVCP

(b) De facto-recognised Specialist:

These are founding diplomates appointed by the Charter Diplomates. The de-facto recognition is possible upon application no later than 36 months after provisional recognition of ECVCP by the EBVS. To be appointed one must:

(i) have at least seven years of experience in the speciality, having spent at least 60 per cent of their time in the speciality;

(ii) have published at least three original articles in refereed journals relevant to veterinary clinical pathology as first author and at least three additional articles as co-author excluding non-peer reviewed articles, review articles, and proceedings abstracts;

(iii) normally resident in Europe or, significantly active (at the discretion of the Council Board) in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe; and

(iv) be an active member of the ESVCP or other European society of veterinary clinical pathology.

3.4 Diplomate: A veterinarian who satisfies the ECVCP requirements as to training, experience, and competence in veterinary clinical pathology hereinafter described in Article 4 shall be eligible. Alternatively, veterinarians who satisfy these ECVCP requirements, but have passed board examinations by comparable colleges outside Europe, or established prior to the ECVCP being established, may be eligible. Election of such candidates shall be accomplished by majority vote of the Council Board after review of their application.

3.5 Honorary Diplomate: A person veterinarian who is not a Diplomate of the ECVCP but who has contributed in an extraordinary manner to the advancement of veterinary clinical pathology may be elected by majority vote as an Honorary Diplomate. Nomination for Honorary Diplomate Status shall be made through the sponsorship of two Diplomates. The sponsors shall furnish the Executive Secretary with such information concerning the nominee, as is required by the Council Board, e.g. curriculum vitae. Election of an Honorary Diplomate shall be accomplished by a two-thirds vote of the Council Board and by a two-thirds vote of the Business Meeting of the College. Honorary Diplomate status does not confer the right to act as a specialist in veterinary clinical pathology. Honorary Diplomates shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to vote or hold office and shall pay reduced dues.

3.6 Non-practising Diplomate: A diplomate who has not practised the speciality for two continuous years or the equivalent of two years during a period of 5 years, or has not attended an annual general meeting of the ECVCP for three years without previous dispensation from the ECVCP will be designated as a non-practising diplomate in the register. A member seeking to revert to full Diplomate status needs to satisfy the Council Board that they again meet the criteria for full Diplomate status, such as through practice of veterinary clinical pathology, and evidence of continuing educational activities. Any ECVCP diplomate who has retired from the practice or teaching of veterinary clinical pathology may be designated a Non-practising Diplomate by the Council Board, at the diplomate´s request. Non-practising Diplomates will be requested to pay a reduced fee in order to maintain all the privileges of diplomates, except the right to vote or hold office.

3.7 Only diplomates of good standing with no dues in arrears shall be eligible to vote or hold office.

3.8            All diplomates are required to maintain activity in veterinary clinical pathology, maintain certification by continuing education in a form determined by the Education Committee, and maintain activity in the affairs of the College, particularly by regular attendance at meetings.

3.9            In order to evaluate the requirements laid down in section 5 and 8 of this article the diplomats are required to send in each 5 years a summary of their professional activities in which evidence of fulfilling these requirements and evidence of continuous education must be included. The format of this summary has to be approved of by the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation and will be evaluated by members of the Credential Committee.


4.1 The following prerequisites must be met to the satisfaction of the Council Board before any candidate is eligible to undertake any Board Examination in veterinary clinical pathology. An eligible candidate must:

(a) have a satisfactory moral and ethical standing in relation to the practice of veterinary medicine;

(b) be qualified to practice veterinary medicine in Europe, unless relieved from this requirement in exceptional cases by the Council Board;

(c) normally resident in Europe or, at the discretion of the Council Board, significantly active in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe

(c) complete a 1-year rotating internship, or 2 years in clinical practice, or an equivalent training acceptable to the Credentials Committee as a prerequisite to entering the clinical pathology training programme

(de) normally complete at least 3 years of post-graduate training and experience in veterinary clinical pathology that is acceptable to the Council Board. Acceptable means a training programme of at least three years that is directed by a Diplomate of the ECVCP and is approved by the ECVCP Credentials Committee at an institute with a clinical pathology laboratory approved by the ECVCP Laboratory Standards Committee;

( ef) if either the supervisor is not a Diplomate or the programme does not provide training in veterinary clinical pathology as one of its primary functions, then 4 years of training in veterinary clinical pathology are required. One of these 4 years must be spent in training under the supervision of a Diplomate and in a programme that trains veterinary clinical pathologists as one of its primary functions. At least one month per year for each of the other 3 years must be spent attending courses or at another institution for training in veterinary clinical pathology;

(fg) have been the first author of an original article which demonstrates application of scientific methods on subjects that are relevant to veterinary clinical pathology. The article must have been published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The article may be a case report with literature review, an evaluation or validation of diagnostic methodology or technology in clinical pathology, a retrospective or prospective study of clinical pathology changes in a disease or toxic state, or a pathophysiological study of clinical pathology change.

(gh) normally be active in veterinary clinical pathology for at least 60% of their normal working week.

4.2 Application will be made to the Secretary in a prescribed form and will be accompanied by an examination fee fixed by the Council Board. Letters of reference from supervisors and others are to be sent directly to the Secretary:

4.3 Eligible candidates will be examined by an Examination Committee appointed by the Council Board at the time and place fixed by the Council Board and in accordance with the policy established by the Council Board.

Article 5: OFFICERS AND Council Board

5.1 The following Officers shall form the Council Board of the College: Past-President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Councillors.

5.2 The election of these officers and the duties of the officers and the Council Board shall be as provided in the by-laws.

Article 6 - AMENDMENTS

6.1 Any proposed amendment to this Constitution and to the by-laws, signed by at least three members in good standing, shall be submitted to the Council Board for its recommendation. The proposed amendment with the recommendations of the Council Board will be announced at least thirty (30) days in advance of any regular or special meeting of the College at which time the proposed amendment may be discussed. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of members voting by secret ballot shall be required for the adoption of any amendment.

as approved by EBVS on ........................




1.1 The President and Vice-President shall be members elected by a majority of members voting, using secret written or electronic ballots, and shall serve for three years. The President and Vice-President may be re-elected for an additional term.

1.2 The Secretary and the Treasurer, similarly elected from the membership, shall serve for 3 years. The secretary and treasurer may be re-elected for an additional term.

1.3 The Councillors, two in number, shall be members elected in the same manner as the other officers by a majority of members voting, each to serve a term of 3 years. Councillors may be re-elected for an additional term.

1.4 Duties of the President, Past-President and Vice-President.

(a) The President shall preside over all meetings of the College and meetings of the Council Board, shall be a member, ex officio, of all committees, and shall perform the usual duties of such office.

(b) The Past-President shall advise the President

(c) The Vice-President shall be the President-Elect, shall be an ex officio member of all committees, shall preside at the meeting in the absence of the President, and shall succeed to the office of the President should that office be vacated.

1.5 Duties of the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Secretary shall serve as executive officer of the College. He or she shall keep minutes of all meetings and shall perform the usual duties of a secretary and such other duties as assigned by the Council Board. The Treasurer shall conduct the business affairs of the College, collect dues and fees, draw vouchers, pay bills and expenses, arrange for the safekeeping of College funds, keep records of all transactions and submit a yearly statement of financial affairs to the Council Board. Records shall be the property of the ECVCP and be available for inspection and audit. The Past Secretary and Past Treasurer shall advise the current Secretary and current Treasurer during the first year of their term.


2.1 The Council Board shall have the duties and powers ordinarily delegated to the governing body of the corporation, those responsibilities given by the Constitution are as follows:

(a) Shall organise and operate a certifying agency for diplomates of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology as provided in the constitution. The Council Board shall judge compliance of candidates with the general requirements of the Constitution, appoint an examination committee to operate under its supervision, and certify candidates who qualify. The Council Board shall make available to candidates and the interested public a detailed account of the experience and training prerequisites to all Board examinations.

(b) Shall create and appoint members of all committees, supervise their activities, and receive their reports.

(c) Shall report to the College annually its work and activities, including a full financial statement, and shall make such interim reports as are necessary and advisable.

(d) Shall exercise its constitutional authority in promoting and attaining the objectives of the College especially those pertaining to professional, institutional and public relations.

(e) Shall hold a meeting at least once a year.

(f) Shall ensure all the results of each examination are announced at the same time.


3.1 The Council Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members for a term of one year before elections. The committee shall widely seek and carefully consider input from the membership across Europe Nominations to all vacancies may be made by the Nominating Committee or to the Nominating Committee by any member in good standing. Nominations shall be made in writing and shall include a brief statement of qualifications of the nominee.

Nominations are to be submitted between January 1 and June 30 of the election year. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a secret ballot listing of all nominees. In the event that no nominee receives a majority of votes cast, the two nominees receiving the most votes shall be placed on a second secret ballot. Should a vacancy in any office occur, the Council Board may at its discretion initiate nomination and election procedures to fill the vacancy until the next general meeting of the College.

3.2 The Council Board shall appoint for a term of three years an Education Committee of three members. The committee shall elect its Chairperson annually. The committee shall widely seek and carefully consider input from the membership across Europe. The duties of this committee are:

(a) to set and approve criteria for training programmes, training institutions, and supervisors.

(b) to maintain lists of approved training programmes, training institutions, supervisors, and current candidates.

(c) to establish guidelines for minimum requirements for the continuing education of diplomates

(d) to develop and supervise continuing education programmes in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

3.3 The Council Board shall appoint for a term of three years a Credentials Committee of three members. The committee shall elect its Chairperson annually. The committee shall widely seek and carefully consider input from the membership across Europe.The duties of this committee are:

(a) to establish guidelines to assist applicants applying to sit the examination

(b) to receive, review, and approve the candidacy of applicants for examination by the College

(c) to forward to the Examination Committee the credentials of approved applicants.

(d) to receive the required reports from supervisors of candidate training on

(i) the annual progress of each candidate in training. The trainee must maintain a log that records the nature and timing of their training activities and that is approved by the supervisor every 6 months. This log should include (i) relevant courses or tutorials taken, (ii) identification of, and diagnosis (tentative or differential and / or etiologic) for, cases (at least an average of 25 per 6 month in each of the three areas) examined and interpreted in each of the three area of biochemistry, hematology, and cytology; (iii) rotations or externships in other relevant disciplines or to other training sites, (iv) relevant seminars, workshops or conferences attended, and (v) any relevant presentations or publications.

(ii) details of each training programme in the form of an initial report with update and re-examination every 5 years (due at the annual meeting). The Credentials Committee, acting for the College, will attest the adequacy of each programme when they approve the report

(iii) to receive, review, and approve the candidacy of applicants for diplomate status who satisfy ECVCP requirements but have passed board examinations by comparable colleges outside Europe, or colleges established prior to the ECVCP being established.

3.4 The Council Board shall appoint for a term of three years an Examination Committee of four members. The committee shall elect its Chairperson annually. The committee shall widely seek and carefully consider input from the membership across Europe.The duties of this committee are:

(a) to prepare, administer and grant all examinations of the College.

(b) to receive examination questions from diplomates. All diplomates must submit five questions, along with their fully-referenced answers, each year to the examination committee. A deadline of June 30th will be needed for adequate review time. Failure to submit questions for two consecutive years would cause suspension of approval of training programmes

(c) to forward to the Council Board all examination results and recommendations regarding the granting of diplomate status

3.5 The Council Board shall appoint for a term of three years a Laboratory Standards Committee of three members. The committee shall elect its Chairperson annually. The duties of this committee are:

(a) to set and approve criteria for the performance of laboratory procedures in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

(b) to approve clinical pathology laboratories for training programmes and training institutions in Europe. Maintaining lists of approved clinical pathology laboratories, of training programmes, and of training institutions. Clinical Pathology Laboratory standards that must be met include adequate facilities, compliance with health and safety standards, written operational procedures and policies, current methodologies and technologies, a programme for quality management including internal quality control and participation in an external quality assurance scheme for proficiency testing, a laboratory information management system, documentation of personnel training and development, and a duty clinical pathologist, who has guided all aspects of laboratory management.

3.6 The Council Board shall appoint for a term of three years a Science Committee of three members for a term of three years. The committee shall elect its Chairperson annually. The committee shall widely seek and carefully consider input from the membership across Europe. The duties of this committee are:

(a) to further scientific progress in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe

(b) to organise an annual European scientific meeting of veterinary clinical pathology

(c) to maintain an official journal of the ECVCP and active membership of the editorial board of that journal

(d) to maintain electronic media for dissemination of scientific information and for a forum to address issues in veterinary clinical pathology

(e) to maintain a newsletter to disseminate ECVCP information to diplomates.

Article 4: DUES

4.1 The dues shall be as follows:

(a) Diplomates and founding diplomates: The dues shall be recommended by the Council Board and approved by a majority of the membership present and voting at an ordinary or extraordinary meeting of the College or voting by mail.

(b) Honorary diplomates and non-practising diplomates will be required to pay reduced dues.

4.2 Dues shall be payable on January 1st of each year and shall be remitted to the Treasurer.

4.3 Fees connected with examination and certification of candidates shall be determined by the Council Board.


5.1     Each individual elected to membership in the College shall be registered as a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, and shall be authorised to use the designation of Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

5.2      Each diplomate is required to keep records of their professional and scientific activities. The Council Board may from time to time require any diplomate to submit their record for inspection.

5.3     Diplomates are required to regularly (at least once every third year) attend annual general meetings and to participate in continuing education as determined by the Education Committee.

5.4     Voluntary cessation of registration requires notice in writing to be received by the Executive Secretary before June 30 and will be published at the next annual general meeting.


6.1 In case of improper conduct, the Council Board shall have the authority to recommend censure, suspension, or cancellation of membership. All deliberations shall be guided by highest standards to ensure fair and objective review. The accused member shall therefore have the opportunity to appear before the Council Board in person.

6.2 In the event of an adverse decision by the Council Board including denial of certification, denial of adequacy of credentials prior to examination for certification or to reregistration as a full Diplomate, and censure, suspension, or cancellation of membership, the affected person may submit a written appeal to Council Board for consideration within 30 days of the adverse decision. Council Board will reconsider on the grounds that the decision may have been made erroneously by (1) disregarding or failing to follow stated College procedures, and/or (2) failing to consider relevant documentation presented. Council Board will deliver in writing its final decision within 90 days after the appeal. If the affected person is not satisfied with the final decision, he or she may request mediation with representatives of the EBVS.


7.1 Quorum

(a) A Quorum of the College shall consist of 25 percent of the members of the College eligible to vote. The quorum shall apply to all meetings of the College.

(b) A Quorum of the Council Board shall consist of a simple majority of that Council Board.

(c) Meetings of the College shall be called by the President, subsequent to the approval of the Council Board. Should the President fail to set a date and place for an ordinary or for extraordinary meetings, the Council Board or the membership may, by majority action, set a date and place for such meetings.

7.2 Frequency of meetings

(a) Meetings of the College shall be held at least once a year.

(b) Meetings of the Council Board of the College shall be held at least once a year.

(c) Meetings of the Committees of the College shall be held at least once a year.

(d) An extraordinary meeting of the College shall be held at any time at the written request, containing the explanation for such a meeting, of not less that 10% of the members. This meeting must be held within 3 months of the request.

7.3 Finances

The College is a nonprofit organization. The expenses of the College shall be met through various sources of income.

(a) annual dues (payable by January 1). The annual dues (ECU) of each active member shall be determined by the general assembly. Members shall be adjudged delinquent if they are one year in arrears, and may be voted for removal by the membership if two years have elapsed without payment. A Non-practicing Diplomat of the College shall also be required to pay reduced dues.

(b) Donations from companies and international organizations.

(c) Income from educational meetings organized by the College.

(d) Any monies accumulated shall be safely invested and serve as a reserve for possible use at a later time.

ECVCP interim arrangements

1. An organising committee consisting of the executive of the ESVCP and of the prospective Charter Diplomates shall prepare an application to the EBVS for provisional recognition of the College. Input from the membership of the ESVCP and from the EBVS liaisons shall be sought in the preparation of the application.

2. This organising committee shall widely publicise its activities.

3. The application for provisional recognition shall include a review by the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation of the curriculum vitae of the members of the organising committee.

4. After provisional recognition of the College by the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation the members of the organising committee shall become Charter Diplomates. These will immediately appoint defacto diplomates according to the criteria identified in the constitution section 3.3 who will assist in the formation of committees.

5. The Charter Diplomates shall immediately establish an Interim Council Board of the College and solicit applications for defacto diplomate status.

6. Applicants for defacto diplomate status should submit material to the secretary to enable assessment of the application using the Constitution Article 3 section 3 (b) as the criteria for review.

7. Applications shall be considered by at least three Charter Diplomates, and all applications shall be either approved by the current Council Board, or deferred to the Council Board elected in the second year.

8. Within one year of provisional recognition, an election by Charter and defacto diplomates will take place to establish a Council Board for the second year of the College's existence with provisional recognition.

9. The procedure to consider applications for De-facto recognised Diplomate status shall continue for three years after the date of provisional recognition of the College by the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation.

10. After this time in 9. above entry to the College will be by examination by the ECVCP or diplomate status of comparable colleges from outside Europe or established prior to the establishment of the ECVCP according to the constitution Article 3 section 4.




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 European College for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP)



Final Revision

 October 2016

Registered Charity Number 1,159,477


European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Constitution


Revised June 2002

Revised September 2006

Revised October 2016





The European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) was established according to the general scheme for veterinary specialization in Europe which has been encouraged by the Advisory Committee for Veterinary Training (ACVT report document III/F/5285/3/91) and described in the "Policies and Procedures of the European Board of Veterinary Specialization [EBVS] (1995)".

The ECVCP was initiated by the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP) at its first meeting in Vienna on September 26th 1998. Subsequent studies, reviews, and surveys by the ESVCP documented a need for an independent ECVCP and that EBVS criteria had been met for establishing an ECVCP (Veterinary Clinical Pathology 2001; 30:155,167). This College resulted from a growing desire toharmonize postgraduate training and provide certification in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe and a need for well-educated veterinary clinical pathologists with certified experience for leading positions in veterinary schools, commercial and government laboratories, and the pharmaceutical industry.

This publication provides a revised Constitution and By-laws of the ECVCP, including a description of the science, a description of the requirements for admission to the College, a profile of the speciality, and application and examination procedures.


Article 1. Name and Structure


1.1 The name of the College shall be the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology - hereafter referred to as the "ECVCP" or as "the College"


1.2  The College shall be registered and domiciled in London, England. It shall be incorporated under the laws of England as a non-profit educational charity.

1.3   The College shall be a part of the general scheme for veterinary education in the European Union (EU), which is coordinated by the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT) and includes the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE), the European Association of establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE), and the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS). Specialist Colleges are members of the EBVS.


Article 2. Objectives and Beneficiaries


2.1 The object of the College shall be to advance education for the public benefit in veterinary clinical pathology. In furtherance of this object the College shall have the following powers:

(a)   To establish standards of training, experience, and examination for qualification as a specialist in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

(b) To further the recognition of such qualified specialists by suitable certification and other means in Europe as a recognized College of the European Board of Veterinary Specialists (EBVS).

 (c)  To develop and supervise continuing education programs in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

(d) To encourage and promote the establishment of standards for the performance of laboratory procedures in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

(e)  To further research and scientific progress in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe by encouraging exchange of information, educational activities and publications in peer-reviewed journals. 

(f) to guarantee and maintain the highest level of specialisation in Veterinary Clinical Pathology, according to European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level 8”.  


2.2   The beneficiaries of the above object are:

(a) Qualified veterinary surgeons seeking to obtain training in veterinary clinical pathology

(b)  Certified veterinary clinical pathologists and other laboratorians


Other stakeholders benefiting from the ECVCP may include manufacturers and sellers of laboratory equipment, laboratory technicians, veterinary nurses/technicians, veterinary surgeons/veterinarians, veterinary students (in training for veterinary degree) and animal owners and veterinary patients utilizing veterinary laboratory services


2.3  Nothing in this constitution shall authorise an application of the property of the ECVCP for purposes which are not charitable in accordance with section 7 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 and/or section 2 of the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008.


Article 3. Officers and trustees


3.1 The ECVCP and its property shall be managed and administered by a committee comprising the officers and other members elected in accordance with this constitution. The officers and other members of the committee shall be the trustees of the Charity and in this constitution are together called ‘the Board’.


3.2 The ECVCP shall have the following officers:

(a)   President

(b)   Vice President 

(c)    Secretary,

(d)   Treasurer

(e)   Councillor 1

(f)     Councillor 2


3.3 The Board is composed of the 6 officers given above and the Past President


3.4 A Board member must be a member of the ECVCP and European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP).


3.5 A Board member may not appoint anyone to act on his or her behalf at meetings of the Board.


3.6 Election of the officers, their duties and  responsibilities are covered in the By-Laws.


Article 4.  Dissolution of the ECVCP


4.1 The decision to dissolve the ECVCP should be undertaken only at a vote of members at the annual general meeting. If a majority of the members resolve to dissolve the charity the Board will remain in office as charity trustees and be responsible for winding up the affairs of the charity in accordance with this clause.


4.2 The Board must collect in all the assets of the charity and must pay or make provision for all the liabilities of the charity.


4.3 The Board must apply any remaining property or money:

(a)   directly for the objectives of the ECVCP

(b)   by transfer to any charity or charities for purposes the same as or as similar to the charity.

(c)    in such other manner as the Charity Commission for England and Wales (‘the Commission’) may approve in writing in advance.


4.4 The members may pass a resolution before or at the same time as the resolution to dissolve the charity specifying the manner in which the Board are to apply the remaining property or assets of the ECVCP and the Board must comply with the resolution if it is consistent with paragraphs (a) – (c) inclusive in the sub-clause above.


4.5 In no circumstances shall the net assets of the charity be paid to or distributed among the members of the charity.


4.6 The Board must notify the Commission promptly that the charity has been dissolved. If the Board are obliged to send the ECVCP accounts to the Commission for the accounting period which ended before its dissolution, they must send the Commission the charity’s final accounts.


Article 5. Amendment of Constitution and By-Laws


5.1 The ECVCP may amend any provision contained in this Constitution and By-Laws by majority vote at the annual general meeting and approval by the EBVS provided that:

(a)   no amendment may be made that would have the effect of making the ECVCP cease to be a charity at law;

(b)   no amendment may be made to alter the objects if the change would alter under no amendment may be made to alter the objects if the change would undermine or work against the previous objectives of the ECVCP


5.2 Any proposed amendment to this Constitution and to the by-laws, signed by at least three members in good standing, shall be submitted to the Board for its recommendation. The proposed amendment with the recommendations of the Board will be announced at least thirty (30) days  in advance of any regular or special meeting of the College at which time the proposed amendment may be discussed. An affirmative vote of a majority of the members voting by secret ballot shall be required for the adoption of any amendment or revision.


5.3 A copy of any resolution amending this Constitution and By-Laws shall be sent to the Charity Commission within twenty one days of it being passed.


Article 6.  Membership


6.1  Membership is of the following types:

The members of the College shall be the following:

a. Founding Diplomates

b. Practising Diplomates

c. Non-practising Diplomates

d. Retired Diplomates

e. Honorary Members

f. Associate members


6.2  Standards for admission to membership

a. The College shall only certify veterinarians who:

  1.  i.    Have demonstrated fitness and ability to practise the speciality by meeting the established training and experience requirements and by attaining acceptable scores on comprehensive examinations administered by the College.
  2.  ii.    Have demonstrated satisfactory moral and ethical standing in the profession.
  3.  iii.    Practise scientific, evidence-based veterinary medicine, which complies with animal welfare legislation.
  4.  iv.    Have gained their veterinary degree at least 48 months previously.

b. The College may also certify veterinarians who have passed the College’s examinations, which they were allowed to sit as judged to be internationally recognised in the College’s field, by the Credentials Committee and the Executive Committee.

c. The criteria for certifying members shall be specified in the Bylaws of the College, in line with the Policies and Procedures of the EBVS.


6.3  Membership is not transferable to anyone else.


6.4 The Board must keep a register of names and addresses of the members which must be made available to any member upon request.


Article 7. Termination of membership


7.1 Membership is terminated if: 

(a)     the member dies or the organization ceases to exist;

(b)     the member resigns by written notice to the Board unless, after the resignation, there would be less than two members;

(c)     any sum due from the member to the charity is not paid in full within two years of it falling due;

(d)     the member is removed from membership by a resolution of the Board that it is in the best interests of the charity that his or her membership is terminated. A resolution to remove a member from membership may only be passed if:


(1) the member has been given at least twenty one day’s notice in writing of the meeting of the Board at which the resolution will be proposed and the reasons why it is to be proposed;

(2) the member or, at the option of the member, the member’s representative (who need not be a member of the charity) has been allowed to make representations to the Board.


Article 8. General meetings


8.1 An annual general meeting must be held in each year, usually in conjunction with the annual Congress and not more than fifteen months may elapse between successive annual general meetings.


8.2  All general meetings other than annual general meetings shall be called special general meetings.


8.3  The Board may call a special general meeting at any time.


8.4   The Board must call a special general meeting if requested to do so in writing by at least ten members or one tenth of the membership, whichever is the greater. The request must state the nature of the business that is to be discussed. If the trustees fail to hold the meeting within twenty-eight days of the request, the members may proceed to call a special general meeting but in doing so they must comply with the provisions of this constitution.


Article 9. Quorum


9.1  No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum is present.


9.2  A quorum is:

(a)   A Quorum of the College shall consist of 25 percent of the members of the College eligible to vote. The quorum shall apply to all meetings of the College. 

(b)   A Quorum of the Board shall consist of a simple majority of the Board.


9.3 If:

(a)  a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting; or

(b)  during a meeting a quorum ceases to be present, the meeting shall be adjourned to such time and place as the Board shall determine.

(c)  The Board must re-convene the meeting and must give at least seven clear days notice of the re-convened meeting stating the date time and place of the meeting.

(d)   If no quorum is present at the re-convened meeting within fifteen minutes of the time specified for the start of the meeting the members present at that time shall constitute the quorum for that meeting.


Article 10.  Chair of a General Meeting


10.1 General meetings shall be chaired by the person who has been elected as President.


10.2  If there is no such person or he or she is not present within fifteen minutes of the time appointed for the meeting the Vice President shall chair the meeting.


10.3  If there is only one Board member present and willing to act, he or she shall chair the meeting.


10.4  If no Board member is present and willing to chair the meeting within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding it, the members present and entitled to vote must choose one of their number to chair the meeting.


Article 11. Adjournments


11.1 The members present at a meeting may resolve that the meeting shall be adjourned.


11.2 The person who is chairing the meeting must decide the date, time and place at which meeting is to be re-convened unless those details are specified in the



11.3  No business shall be conducted at an adjourned meeting unless it could properly have been conducted at the meeting had the adjournment not taken place.


11.4 If a meeting is adjourned by a resolution of the members for more than seven days, at least seven clear days’ notice shall be given of the re-convened meeting stating the date time and place of the meeting.


 Article 12. Votes


12.1  Each member shall have one vote but if there is an equality of votes the person who is chairing the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to any other vote he or she may have.

The Executive Committee decides if the vote is to be taken orally, by a show of hands, or in writing. Votes can be: in favour, against or one can abstain. For all decisions, except as designated elsewhere, a simple majority of the members participating in the vote is sufficient.

The charity shall not be required to consider whether the nominee has been properly appointed by the organisation.


12.2  Each paying Diplomate has the right to vote. He/she has to be present at the Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings to do so, except in case of postal or electronic ballot. Each practising Diplomate has one (1) vote. Honorary Members who are not Diplomates of the College, and Associate Members are not allowed to vote.


Article 13. Powers of Board Members


13.1 The Board must manage the business of the charity and have the following powers in order to further the objectives (but not for any other purpose):

 (a)   to raise funds. In doing so, the Board must not undertake any taxable permanent trading activity and must comply with any relevant statutory regulations;

(b)   to buy, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and to maintain and equip it for use;

(c)   to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the property belonging to the ECVCP. In exercising this power, the Board must comply as appropriate with sections 117 - 122 of the Charities Act 2011;

(d)   to co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities and to exchange information and advice with them;

(e)   to establish or support any charitable trusts, associations or institutions formed for any of the charitable purposes included in the objects; 

(f)   to acquire, merge with or enter into any partnership or joint venture arrangement with any other charity formed for any of the objects;

to set aside income as a reserve against future expenditure but only in accordance with a written policy about reserves;

 (h)   to obtain and pay for such goods and services as are necessary for carrying out the work of the ECVCP;

(i)   to open and operate such bank and other accounts as the Board consider necessary and to invest funds and to delegate the management of funds in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as the trustees of a trust are permitted to do by the Trustee Act 2000

(j)   to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.


13.2       No alteration of this constitution or any special resolution shall have retrospective effect to invalidate any prior act of the Board.


13.3       Any meeting of Board at which a quorum is present at the time the relevant decision is made may exercise all the powers exercisable by the Board.


Article 14. Disqualification and Removal of Board Members


14.1  A Board member shall cease to hold office if he or she:

(a)  is disqualified from acting as a trustee (Board member) by virtue of sections 178 and 179 of the Charities Act 2011 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that provision);

(b) ceases to be a member of the ECVCP and ESVCP; 

(c) becomes incapable by reason of mental disorder, illness or injury of managing and administering his or her own affairs;


Article 15. Conflicts of interests and conflicts of loyalties


15.1  A Board member must:

(a) declare the nature and extent of any interest, direct or indirect, which he or she has in a proposed transaction or arrangement with the ECVCP or in any transaction or arrangement entered into by the ECVCP which has not been previously declared; and

(b) absent himself or herself from any discussions of the Board in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his or her duty to act solely in the interests of the ECVCP and any personal interest (including but not limited to any personal financial interest). 

(c) Any Board member absenting himself or herself from any discussions in accordance with this clause must not vote or be counted as part of the quorum in any decision of the Board on the matter.


Article 16. Application of income and property


16.1 The income and property of the ECVCP shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects.


(a) A Board member is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of the ECVCP or may pay out of such property reasonable expenses properly incurred by him or her when acting on behalf of the charity.

(b)  A Board member may benefit from trustee indemnity insurance cover purchased at the charity’s expense in accordance with, and subject to the conditions in, section 189 of the Charities Act 2011.


16.2 None of the income or property of the ECVCP may be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend bonus or otherwise by way of profit to any member of the ECVCP. This does not prevent a member who is not also a Board member from receiving:

 (a)  a benefit from the ECVCP in the capacity of a beneficiary of the ECVCP;

(b)  reasonable and proper remuneration for any goods or services supplied to the ECVCP.


Article 17. Benefits and payments to Board members and connected persons


17.1   No Board member or connected person (relative, employee or other connection) may:

(a)   buy or receive any goods or services from the ECVCP on terms preferential to those applicable to members of the public; 

(b)   sell goods, services or any interest in land to the charity;

(c)   be employed by, or receive any remuneration from, the ECVCP;

(d)   receive any other financial benefit from the ECVCP;


17.2 Reimbursement for expenses with documentation by receipts for such expenses is acceptable and any limits for reimbursement will be determined periodically by the Board.


Article 18. Disputes


18.1 If a dispute arises between members of the ECVCP about the validity or propriety of anything done by the members under this constitution, and the dispute cannot be resolved by agreement, the parties to the dispute must first try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation before resorting to litigation.



European College of Veterinary ClinicalPathology By-Laws


Article 1. Election of the Board


1.1 The ECVCP shall elect the officers who serve for 3 years. This will be conducted by secret paper or electronic ballot. The President and Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, as well as the Councillors may be re-elected for an additional term.


1.2 The process of election is conducted by the Nomination Committee.


1.3 The Nomination Committee will solicit nominations from the membership for officers.


1.4  All members accepting nomination are required to certify that they are willing to run for office and will accept the position, if elected.


1.5  Election is by a majority vote of members by secret paper or electronic ballot.


1.6  Newly elected officers will take up their office on 1 January of the year following their election.


Article 2. Board Decisions


2.1 All decisions of the Board shall be valid notwithstanding the participation in any vote of a Board member:

(a)  who is disqualified from holding office;

(b)  who had previously retired or who had been obliged by this constitution to vacate office;

(c)   who was not entitled to vote on the matter, whether by reason of a conflict of interests or otherwise; if, without the vote of that Board member and that Board member being counted in the quorum, the decision has been made by a majority of the Board members at a quorate meeting.


 Article 3. Delegation


3.1   The Board may delegate any of their powers or functions to a Committee of three or more members


3.2   The Committees and their functions are described in the By-Laws (see below).


3.2   The Board may impose conditions when delegating, including the conditions that:

(a)    the relevant powers are to be exercised exclusively by the committee to whom they delegate;

(b)   no expenditure may be incurred on behalf of the ECVCP except in accordance with a budget previously agreed with the Board.


3.3   The Board may revoke or alter a delegation.


3.4   All acts and proceedings of any Committees must be fully and promptly reported to the President who acts as a member of all Committees.


Article 4.  Minutes


4.1  The Board must keep minutes of all:

(a)     meetings of the Board

(b)     proceedings at meetings of the ECVCP;

 (c)     meetings of the Committees including:

          (1)     the names of the members present at the meeting; 

           (2)     the decisions made at the meetings;

           (3)  where appropriate the reasons for the decisions.



Article 5. Accounts, Annual Report, Annual Return


5.1  The Board members must comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 2011 with regard to: 

(a)     the keeping of accounting records for the charity; 

(b)     the preparation of annual statements of account for the charity;

(c)     the transmission of the statements of account to the Commission; 

(d)     the preparation of an Annual Report and its transmission to the Charity Commission;

(e)     the preparation of an Annual Return and its transmission to the Charity Commission.


5.2   Accounts must be prepared in accordance with the provisions of any Statement of Recommended Practice issued by the Commission, unless the Board members are required to prepare accounts in accordance with the provisions of such a Statement prepared by another body.


Article 6. Registered particulars


6.1  The Board must notify the Commission promptly of any changes to the ECVCP’s entry on the Central Register of Charities.


6.2  The Board must ensure the title to:

(a)     all land held by or in trust for the ECVCP that is not vested in the Official Custodian of Charities; and

(b)     all investments held by or on behalf of the ECVCP, is vested either in a corporation entitled to act as custodian trustee or in not less than three individuals appointed by them as holding trustees.


6.3 The terms of the appointment of any holding Board members must provide that they may act only in accordance with lawful directions of the trustees and that if they do so they will not be liable for the acts and defaults of the Board or of the members of the ECVCP.


6.4 The Board may remove the holding Board member(s) at any time.


Article 7. Notices


7.1 Any notice required by this constitution to be given to or by any person must be:

 (a)     in writing; or

(b)     given using electronic communications.


7.2   The charity may give any notice to a member either:

(a)     personally; or

(b)     by sending it by post in a prepaid envelope addressed to the member at his or her address; or

(c)     by leaving it at the address of the member; or

(d)     by giving it using electronic communications to the member’s address.


7.3  A member who does not register an address with the ECVCP shall not be entitled to receive any notice from the ECVCP.


7.4  A member present in person at any meeting of the ECVCP shall be deemed to have received notice of the meeting and of the purposes for which it was called. 

(a)     Proof that a notice contained in an electronic communication was sent in accordance with guidance issued by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators shall be conclusive evidence that the notice was given.

 (b)  A notice shall be deemed to be given 48 hours after the envelope containing it was posted or, in the case of an electronic communication, 48 hours after it was sent.

(c)  Proof that an envelope containing a notice was properly addressed,


prepaid and posted shall be conclusive evidence that the notice was




Article 8. Membership


8.1   The types of membership in the ECVCP shall be:

(a)  Founding Diplomate

(1)   Charter Diplomate

(2)   De Facto Diplomate


(b)  Practicing Diplomate

(1)   By Examination

(2)   By application to the Board


(c)   Non-practising Diplomate


(d)   Retired Diplomate


(e)   Honorary Diplomate


(f)   Associate Diplomate


8.2 Standards for admission to membership


a. The College will certify veterinarians who

  i.    Meet the educational, training and experience requirements established by the College.

  ii.    Have attained acceptable scores on comprehensive examinations administered by the College, except as defined in previous versions of the ECVCP constitution (link to the website), and in the EBVS Policies and Procedures on non-Europeans (link to the EBVS website)

  iii.    Are licensed to practise or are eligible to be licensed to practise in a European country and qualified from an EAEVE-approved establishment. Applicants may be relieved of this requirement in exceptional cases.

 iv.    Have demonstrated fitness and ability to practise the speciality.

 v.    Have demonstrated satisfactory moral and ethical standing in the profession.

 vi.    Have met the minimal publication requirements as defined by the College (at least two peer-reviewed publications in international refereed journals

vii.    Practise scientific, evidence-based veterinary medicine, which complies with animal welfare legislation.

viii.   Have gained their veterinary degree at least 48 months previously.


b. The College may also certify veterinarians who have passed the College’s examinations, which they were allowed to sit as judged to be internationally recognised in the College’s field, by the Credentials Committee and the Executive Committee. Applicants must be licensed to practise or eligible to be licensed to practise in a European country, although they may be relieved of this requirement in exceptional cases.


8.3 Diplomate:

A diplomate is a veterinarian who satisfies the ECVCP requirements as to training, experience, and competence in veterinary clinical pathology hereinafter described shall be eligible to achieve Diplomate status by examination. Alternatively, veterinarians who satisfy these ECVCP requirements, but have passed board examinations by comparable colleges outside Europe established prior to the ECVCP being established, may be eligible. Election of such candidates shall be accomplished by majority vote of the Board after review of their application.


8.4  Non-Practising Diplomate:

A Diplomate who (i) has not practised the speciality for two continuous years or the equivalent of two years during the previous five years or (ii) has not fulfilled the requirements for the reaccreditation procedure or (iii) has not attended an Annual General Meeting for three years without previous dispensation from the College.

A non-practising Diplomate is not allowed to use the title European Specialist nor Diplomate but may use the title Diplomate (non-practising). A non-practising Diplomate seeking to revert to full Diplomate status needs to satisfy the Credentials Committee of the College.

The non-practising Diplomate is removed from the EBVS specialist register.


8.5  Retired Diplomate:

A Diplomate who voluntarily stops permanently and irrevocably practising is entitled to Retired Diplomate status. Retired Diplomates maintain all privileges of Diplomates including advisory tasks, except the right to vote or hold office. A Retired Diplomate is not allowed to use the title European Specialist nor Diplomate but may use the title Diplomate (Retired). The Retired Diplomate is removed from the EBVS specialist register.


8.6 Honorary Member:

A veterinarian who is not a Diplomate of the ECVCP but who has contributed in an extraordinary manner to the advancement of veterinary clinical pathology may be elected by majority vote of the Board as an Honorary Diplomate. Nomination for Honorary Diplomate Status shall be made through the sponsorship of two Diplomates. The sponsors shall furnish the Secretary with such information concerning the nominee, as is required by the Board, e.g. curriculum vitae. Election of an Honorary Member shall be accomplished by a two-thirds vote of the Board and by a two-thirds vote of the Business Meeting of the College. Honorary Member status does not confer the right to act as a specialist in veterinary clinical pathology. Honorary Members may not use the title of Diplomate but shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to vote or hold office and shall pay reduced dues. Less than 5% of college membership can have this title.


8.7 Associate Member

The College may confer Associate member status on scientists who have contributed significantly to research in veterinary medicine. Admission criteria for Associate Members are defined by the Executive Committee of the College. These criteria have to ascertain that only scientists of international repute who are active in the field covered by the College are admitted as Associate Members. More over:

a) Associate Members are not conferred any diplomas and are not entitled to use the designation of Diplomate.

b) Associate Members are encouraged to participate in the training of residents together with Diplomates of the College. Associate Members are not entitled to act as resident supervisors without a Diplomate responsible for the training programme.

c) Associate Members are not allowed to hold office within the College or to vote at the Annual General Meeting. They can be co-opted to College committees as advisors.

d) Associate Members are encouraged to participate in scientific meetings and workshops organised by the College.

e) Associate Members are not allowed to advertise their title.

8.8 Only Diplomates of good standing with no dues in arrears shall be eligible to vote or hold office.


8.9 All Diplomates are required to maintain activity in veterinary clinical pathology, maintain certification by continuing education in a form determined by the Education Committee, and maintain activity in the affairs of the College, particularly by regular attendance at meetings.


8.10 Diplomates (except for non-practicing Diplomates and Honorary Diplomates) are required to send in each 5 years a summary of their professional activities in which evidence of fulfilling these requirements and evidence of continuous education must be included. The format of this reaccreditation summary has to be approved of by the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS Policies section II, part A.14) and will be evaluated by members of the Credentials Committee. This standard procedure will be performed according to a credit point system. In this credit point system the following items can be included:

  • Publications
  • Presentations at national congresses or Continuing Education
  • Presentations at international congresses
  • Attendance at national or international congresses
  • Online/distance learning
  • Preparing examination questions
  • Supervision of Residents
  • Membership of Board or College committees
  • Two letters of support

For each item a maximum number of points can be given. A total minimum amount of points has to be collected during a 5 year period.

If a Diplomate does not meet the required number of points, one year extra may be in which to achieve this. If they do not succeed, or if any Diplomate does not submit reaccreditation documents, they will be made non-practising Diplomates by the College, removed from the EBVS specialist register, and may only use the title of Diplomate (non-practising). A non-practising Diplomate seeking to revert to full Diplomate status needs to satisfy the Credentials Committee.

See also attachment 5 (recertification document) and relevant information at / Info center and documents / credentials


Article 9. Duties of the Board


9.1  Duties of the President and Vice-President.

(a)  The President shall preside over all meetings of the College and meetings of the Board.

(b)  The Past-President shall advise the President

(c)  The Vice-President shall be the President-Elect, shall be a member of all committees, shall preside at the meeting in the absence of the President, and shall succeed to the office of the President when that office be vacated.


9.2  Duties of the Secretary and the Treasurer.

(a) The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and such other duties as assigned by the Board. The Secretary and Treasurer will be responsible for preparation of and presentations to the EBVS and the annual report to the Charities Commission. The minimum term of office of the Secretary shall be 2 years and the maximum 6 years.

 (b) The Treasurer shall conduct the business affairs of the College, collect dues and fees, draw vouchers, pay bills and expenses, arrange for the safekeeping of College funds, keep records of all transactions and submit a yearly statement of financial affairs to the Board. Records shall be the property of the ECVCP and be available for inspection and audit. The minimum term of office of the Treasurer shall be 2 years and the maximum 6 years.

(c) The Past Secretary and Past Treasurer shall advise the current Secretary and current Treasurer during the first year of their term or as required.


Article 10. Additional Duties of the Board


10.1 The Board shall have the duties and powers ordinarily delegated to the governing body of the organisation, those responsibilities given by the Constitution are as follows:

(a) Shall organise and operate a certifying agency for Diplomates of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology as provided in the constitution. The Board shall judge compliance of candidates with the general requirements of the Constitution, appoint an Examination Committee to operate under its supervision, and certify candidates who qualify. The Board shall make available to candidates and the interested public a detailed account of the experience and training prerequisites to all Board examinations.

(b) Shall create and appoint members of all Committees, supervise their activities, and receive their reports. 

(c) Shall report to the College and the Charity Commission annually its work and activities, including a full financial statement, and shall make such interim reports as are necessary and advisable.

(d) Shall exercise its constitutional authority in promoting and attaining the objectives of the College especially those pertaining to professional, institutional and public relations.

(e) Shall hold a meeting at least once a year.

(f) Shall ensure all the results of each examination are announced at the same time.


Article 11. Committees of the ECVCP


11.1  The standing committees of the ECVCP include:

(a)   Nominating Committee

(b)   Education Committee

(c)   Credentials Committee

(d)   Laboratory Standards Committee

(e)   Credentials Committee

(f)   Science Committee 

(g)    Examination Committee


11.2 Other Committees or Sub-committees may be instituted, as needed, and delegated by the Board.


11.3 All Committees will consist of a minimum of 3 members who are appointed by the Board. Members are expected to serve for a minimum of 3 years, but may be re-appointed to one or more Committees at the discretion of the Board. Additional members may be recruited on the Committees, depending on their needs. The Chair of each committee should be proposed by the members of the Committee and approved by the Board. Two Co-Chairs are acceptable. The maximum term of Committee chairs is 6 years or 2 terms.


11.4 All Committees shall widely seek and carefully consider input from the membership across Europe


11.5  Nominating Committee. The duties of the Nomination Committee are to:

(a) Nominations to all vacancies may be made by the Nominating Committee or to the Nominating Committee by any member in good standing.

(b) Nominations are to be submitted during an interval of the election year specified by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a secret ballot listing of all nominees. In the event that no nominee receives a majority of votes cast, the two nominees receiving the most votes shall be placed on a second secret ballot. Should a vacancy in any office occur, the Board may at its discretion initiate nomination and election procedures to fill the vacancy until the next election.


11.6  Education Committee. The duties of this committee are:

(a)   to set and approve criteria for training programs, training institutions, and supervisors.

(b)   to maintain lists of approved training programs, training institutions, supervisors, and current candidates.

(c)    to establish guidelines for minimum requirements for the continuing education of Diplomates

 (d)   to develop and supervise continuing education programs in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.



11.7  Credentials Committee.  The duties of this Committee are:

(a)   to establish guidelines for applicants applying to sit the examination

(b)   to receive, review, and approve the candidacy of applicants for examination by the College

 (c)    to forward to the Examination Committee the credentials of approved applicants.

(d)   to receive the required reports from supervisors of candidate training on

 (i)    the annual progress of each candidate in training. The trainee must maintain a log that records the nature and timing of their training activities and that is approved by the supervisor every 6 months. This log should include (i) relevant courses or tutorials taken, (ii) identification of, and diagnosis (tentative or differential and / or aetiologic) for, cases (at least an average of 25 per 6 month in each of the three areas) examined and interpreted in each of the three areas of biochemistry, hematology, and cytology; (iii) rotations or externships in other relevant disciplines or to other training sites, (iv) relevant seminars, workshops or conferences attended, and (v) any relevant presentations or publications.

(ii)   details of each training program in the form of an initial report with update and re-cerification every 5 years. The Credentials Committee, acting for the College, will attest the adequacy of each program when they approve the report.

(e)   to receive, review, and approve the candidacy of applicants for Diplomate status who satisfy ECVCP requirements but have passed board examinations by comparable colleges outside Europe, or colleges established prior to the ECVCP being established 

(f)     to receive and approve documents related to the 5 year reaccreditation of Diplomates


11.8  Examination Committee. The duties of this committee are:

 (a)   to prepare, administer and grade all examinations of the College.

(b)   to receive examination questions from diplomats. All Diplomates must submit five questions per year, along with their fully-referenced answers (25 questions every 5 years).

 (c)    to forward to the Board all examination results and recommendations regarding the granting of Diplomate status


11.9  Laboratory Standards Committee. The duties of this committee are:=

(a) to set and approve criteria for the performance of laboratory procedures in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe.

(b) to approve clinical pathology laboratories for training programs and training institutions training candidates for the ECVCP Examination. 

(c) to approve reaccreditation applications of clinical pathology laboratories for training programs and training institutions every 5 years following initial approval.

(d) Maintain lists of approved clinical pathology laboratories, in conjunction with other committees approving training programs, and of training institutions and registered candidates.



11.10    Science Committee. The duties of this committee are:

(a)   to further scientific progress in veterinary clinical pathology in Europe

(b)   to organize an annual European scientific meeting of veterinary clinical pathology

(c)   to help maintain an official journal of the ECVCP and active membership of the editorial board of that journal


Article 12. Dues and Fees

12.1 The dues shall be as follows:

(a) Diplomates: The dues shall be recommended by the Board and approved by a majority of the membership present and voting at an ordinary or extraordinary general meeting of the College or electronic voting or by mail 

(b)  Honorary members and non-practising Diplomates will be required to pay reduced dues.


12.2  Dues shall be payable on January 1st of each year and shall be remitted to the Treasurer.


12.3  Fees connected with examination, laboratory approval, training program approval and certification of candidates shall be determined periodically by the Board.



Article 13. Membership and Registration


13.1  Each individual elected to membership in the College shall be registered as a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology and shall be authorised to use the designation of Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (DipECVCP). If actively practicing (60% full time or 24 hours per week), the Diplomate is also able to use the designation of ‘European Veterinary Specialist in Clinical Pathology’.


13.2 Each Diplomate is required to keep records of their professional and scientific activities. The Board may from time to time require any Diplomate to submit their record for inspection.


13.3 Diplomates are required to regularly (at least once every third year) attend an annual general meeting and to participate in continuing education as determined by the Education Committee.


13.4 Voluntary cessation of registration requires notice in writing to be received by the Secretary and will take effect immediately upon receipt.


Article 14. Disciplinary Action and Appeals Procedure


In the event of an adverse decision by the Board, including but not limited to, denial of adequacy of credentials prior to examination for certification or to re-registration as a full Diplomate, suspension or cancellation of membership, failure of an examination (or part of it), denial of approval of a residency programme, the affected person is notified about the procedure for appealing against it.

14.1. Appeals committee

The College will provide for the appointment of an Appeals Committee.

The Appeals Committee shall be made up of a minimum of three Diplomates of the College who shall not be serving as members of the Executive Committee of the College or members of the relevant committee whose decision is being questioned, who shall have had no prior involvement with the case, and who have no potential conflict of interest with the Appellant or the Committee whose decision is being questioned.

14.2. Communication of the right of appeal

In the event of an adverse decision, the affected party (or parties) will be notified of the procedure for appealing against the adverse decision. This notification will be included with the communication that gives notice of the adverse decision itself. An address and Officer of the College to which an Appeal should be sent in the first place will be provided.

14.3. Grounds of appeal

Appeals may be made on the following grounds:

- the College failed to apply correctly its own or EBVS’s published rules, procedures or criteria relevant to the decision in question.

- the College’s published rules, procedures or criteria were not compliant with the Policies and Procedures of the EBVS.

- the College imposed a sanction that was disproportionate to the gravity of the adverse decision against the Appellant.

14.4. Commencing an appeal process

The appeal should be made in writing, including a statement of the grounds of appeal, together with any supporting reasons and documents and within 30 days after the postmarked date of the letter communicating the adverse decision (or if sent by email, the date on which the email was sent).

In particular, an appeal against a decision of denying acceptance of the credentials may be submitted after a minimum of one week and a maximum of three weeks following the official announcement of the decision of denying acceptance of the Credentials of a resident to sit the examination. Submission of an appeal to the College must be accompanied by a deposit of € 250 to ensure that the expenses of the appeal will be covered. If the appellant does not pay his/her deposit within four weeks of receiving an invoice then this will be deemed an admission of liability. The deposit is re-paid in full, in case the appeal is accepted. In case of the appeal’s rejection, all the costs relating to the appeal shall be made by the appellant. Any remaining deposit will be re-paid to the appellant together with an itemization of the costs retained.

Within 20 working days of its receipt the appeal will be considered by a nominated executive officer, who shall have had no prior involvement with the case, and who has no potential conflict of interest with the appellant or the Committee whose decision is being questioned. This officer will decide whether a proper ground for appeal has been identified.

If a proper ground for appeal has been identified, the college will convene an appeals Committee to consider the appeal. The College will then inform the appellant within 15 working days whether or not the notice of appeal has been accepted as raising an arguable ground of appeal, and, if so, of the proposed membership of the Appeals Committee that will consider the appeal. The apellant will be provided with a reasonable opportunity and procedure to raise concerns with or object to the membership of the Appeals Committee and respond accordingly.

In any case where an appeal is to be conducted, the procedure for convening an Appeals Committee to consider the appeal will be completed no later than 30 days after the date the College has informed the appellant of the proposed membership of the Appeals Committee.

Within 5 working days of the appointment of the Appeals Committee, all the papers relating to the dispute shall be forwarded by the officer of the College to whom the appeal was sent to the members of the Appeals Committee.

If the College makes a decision that no proper ground of appeal has been identified, the appellant will be informed that either i) it will take no further action (and explain the justification for this), or ii) it will consider the appeal instead as a request for an informal review of an adverse decision by the College Board on non-appealable grounds (e.g. extenuating circumstances of personal difficulty etc).


14. 5. Conduct of an Appeal Process

The College will provide within its Appeals Procedures a process by which the Appeals Committee will conduct the Appeal and require appeals to be conducted in all due confidence.

The Appeals Committee must be able to request information relevant to its consideration of the appeal from any relevant party.

The Appeals Committee will be required to consider carefully the need or not for an oral hearing. Where an Appeals Committee decides not to hold an oral hearing in an appeal against an adverse decision that arises from an allegation of impropriety against a candidate (or in other matters of similar gravity), reasons for that decision must be given. Where an oral hearing is held, a timetable must be devised which allows both parties reasonable opportunity to appear.

An oral hearing must be attended by at least three members of the Appeals Committee. Neither party may be represented by legal counsel, although the provisions of the law in the country where the College is registered must be taken into consideration. Oral hearings will be conducted in English. The appellant may be accompanied by an individual (“representative”), who may assist them to present the appeal. The “representative” will not be allowed to participate in answering specific questions but, at the discretion of the Chairperson, may be allowed to provide necessary language translations and may, at the end, be allowed to make a statement on behalf of the Appellant.

A transcript or detailed minutes of the meeting will be kept. An electronic recording may be made with the prior consent of all parties. The minutes and, if it is made, the electronic recording, shall be made available to the meeting’s participants on request.

The Appeals Committee must have the discretion to reject or uphold the appeal according to its independent view of the merits of the Appeal. Where the appeal is upheld, in whole or in part, the Appeals Committee may modify or reverse the previous decision or adjust the sanction.

The decision of the Appeals Committee will be reached by a majority vote of the members of the Committee, the Chairperson to have the casting vote if necessary. In communicating the decision of the Appeals Committee, the Chair will give reasons for the decision.

The Appeals Committee must deliver its decision on the Appeal to a nominated Executive Officer of the College within 30 days of the date of receiving all the papers relating to the dispute. The Executive Board will check that the Appeals Committee has followed the procedures and, if these have been followed correctly, accept their recommendation. The Executive Board shall communicate the decision, via electronic  means  and  in  addition,  if  there  is  no  satisfactory  confirmation  of receipt, via registered post, to the appellant, within 10 days of receipt of the appeal decision.


Article 15. Conduct of Business


15.1 Meetings of the College shall be called by the President, subsequent to the approval of the Board. Should the President fail to set a date and place for an ordinary or for extraordinary meetings, the Board or the membership may, by majority action, set a date and place for such meetings.


15.2  Frequency of meetings

(a)   A meeting of the College shall be held at least once a year.

(b)   A meeting of the Board of the College shall be held at least once a year.

 (c)    A meeting of the Committees of the College shall be held at least once a year.

(d)    An extraordinary meeting of the College shall be held at any time at the written request, containing the explanation for such a meeting, of not less that 10% of the members. This meeting must be held within 3 months of the request.


15.3   Finances

(a)  The College is a non-profit organization. The expenses of the College shall be met through various sources of income.


(1) annual dues (payable by January 1st). The annual dues of each active member shall be determined by the general membership. Members shall be adjudged delinquent if they are one year in arrears, and may be voted for removal by the membership if two years have elapsed without payment. A Non-practicing Diplomate of the College shall also be required to pay reduced dues.

(2) Donations from companies and international organizations.

(3)  Income from educational meetings organized by the College and other fees for other College activities (see article 12) 

(4) Any monies accumulated shall be safely invested and serve as a reserve for possible use at a later time in accordance with good financial practices and policies.


October 20th 2016



Professor Cathy Trumel                                                                                     Professor Zoe Polizopoulou

 DVM, PhD                                                                                                                     DVM, PhD


President ECVCP                                                                                               Vice President ECVCP



Oct 25th, 2000

Secretary, European Board of Veterinary Specialization
c/o : Federation of Veterinarians in Europe
Rue Defacqz 1
B 1000 Bruxelles - Belgique
Phone: +32 2 538 2963 - Fax: +32 2 537 2828
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Re : Letter of Intent for Application for Recognition of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology

To whom it may concern:

    Please consider this submission by the executive committee of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP) as a "Letter of Intent" to obtain EBVS recognition of a new college, the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathologists. The basis for this letter is outlined below. Accordingly, as described in the EBVS constitution guidelines for establishment, recognition and supervision of Colleges, would you please assign two members of the EBVS to act as liason with us and provide instruction in the preparation of our application for EBVS recognition. Please assign this liason as soon as possible and before the end of the year 2000.


Peter J. O'Brien
DVM, PhD, DVSc, MRCVS, DACVP (Clin Path)
President ESVCP


Basis for Intention to Submit An Application for EBVS recognition of the new College, "European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathologists


1. Background of ESVCP and Letter of Intent.

  • Foundation of ESVCP. The European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP) was founded on September 26th, 1998 in Vienna, Austria. The foundation of a European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) was planned because of the identified need for well educated clinical pathologists with certified experience for leading positions in commercial laboratories, industry, and veterinary schools.
  • Working Group on Formation of ECVCP. On Oct 16th, 1999, at a meeting of ESVCP in Perugia, Italy, a subcommittee was formed: i) to investigate whether a European speciality of Veterinary Clinical Pathology should be formed as an independent College or else as a subspeciality of an existing College; ii) to define a plan and time-table for establishing the speciality; iii) to report back to ESCVP when completed.
  • EBVS Letter of Information. On October 30th, 1999 the ESVCP submitted a "Letter of Information" to the EBVS indicating (a) its plan to investigate the possibility of formally establishing a European speciality on Veterinary Clinical Pathology, and (b) its formation of a subcommittee to obtain the relevant information.
  • Report of Working Group. On July 21st, 2000 the report of the subcommittee on Establishing a European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology presented results of its investigations and survey and gave its conclusions1. To date, a total of 91 respondents practicing veterinary clinical pathology have completed questionaires for the ESVCP Working group on establishing a European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Investigations, interviews and postal survey conducted by the Working group gave strong support to the formation of a European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.
  • Postal Vote on Subspecialty or New College. As agreed in Perugia in 1999, following the report of the above subcommittee, a postal vote of ESVCP members was conducted to determine whether the ESVCP should pursue subspecialisation within an existing college or else establish an independent college. The Postal vote was completed by 61 members, with 45 in favour of formation of an independent college, 13 in favour of a subspecialty of which 8 were members of ECVIM-CA (5) or ECVP (3), and 3 who remained non-committal.

  • 2. Basis for Letter of Intent

    Intention to ensure improved medical services will be provided to the public

    Veterinary clinical pathology is a discipline-oriented specialisation, which focuses on diagnostic laboratory procedures in clinical biochemistry, haematology, and cytology for the monitoring of animal health and the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of animal diseases. Clinical biochemistry is considered to include areas of endocrinology and molecular genetics.

    The primary objectives are to advance veterinary clinical pathology and to promote a high standard of veterinary clinical pathology and veterinary clinical pathologists in Europe by:
    a) Encouraging special training beyond the professional veterinary degree to enhance the ability of candidates to meet certification requirements and update the competency of specialists.
    b) Establishing guidelines for post-graduate education and experience prerequisite to become a specialist in veterinary clinical pathology,
    c) Examining and authenticating veterinarians as specialists in veterinary clinical pathology.
    d) Encouraging research and other contributions to knowledge relating to veterinary clinical pathology and promoting communication and dissemination of this knowledge.
    e) Encouraging and promoting the establishment of standards for the performance of laboratory procedures in veterinary clinical pathology

    Will fill a clearly demonstrable need within the profession

    Veterinary clinical pathology focuses on the diagnostic laboratory procedures for monitoring animal health and the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of animal disease. Conduct of veterinary clinical pathology is a mandatory requirement of the practice of veterinary medicine in every European veterinary school and veterinary clinic, and in every animal diagnostic laboratory operating commercially and in industry. However, lack of European training and certifying standards has resulted in European needs not been addressed.

    A national, advisory committee on veterinary specialisation² recently (1995) produced a discussion paper on Veterinary Clinical Pathology that aptly summarises the European situation. The committee concluded that there were:
    a) low numbers of veterinary-trained clinical pathologists,
    b) lack of accredited training opportunities,
    c) lack of appropriate examination structure,
    b) lack of accredited training opportunities,
    c) lack of appropriate examination structure,
    d) poor perception of veterinary clinical pathology as a veterinary clinical and scientific specialty. These conclusions are consistent with those of the ESVCP survey of European Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

  • Training Need.ESVCP survey indicates that more than ~60% of European practicing veterinary clinical pathologists have been unable to acquire appropriate training in Europe1. In excess of 20% have received no formal training, with an additional ~25% having received less than the 3 years formal training that considered necessary for certifying a veterinary clinical pathologist1. To obtain training ~30% of European veterinary clinical pathologists have had to go to the US or Canada¹.
  • Certification Need. More than 83% of European practicing veterinary clinical pathologists have no form of certification in veterinary clinical pathology1. The remainder claim national certification of expertise in this speciality. There is no European-wide certifying body for veterinary clinical pathologists.
  • Employment Need. Currently, based on the ESVCP survey, there are at least 21 full-time employment positions available for veterinary clinical pathologists, with a further 49 likely to become available in the near future1. Many of these positions are in academia, but clinical pathologists are also needed in industry, commercial diagnostic laboratories and private veterinary clinics1.
  • Current Needs Frequently Met by Non-specialists. In the absence of a regulatory European body for veterinary clinical pathology, positions in European Veterinary schools, veterinary diagnostic laboratories, and industry are frequently filled by non-specialists. These positions have frequently had to be filled by persons trained in / qualified with internal medicine (ECVIM-CA) or pathology (ECVP) or non-veterinary clinical chemists and haematologists.
  • Timing. The information in this letter of intent indicates that the need for a European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) is immediate and this need is growing. The current need is accentuated by the time period between establishment of the ECVCP and its admission by examination of the first group of Veterinary Clinical Pathologists that are trained and experienced according to ECVCP standards. The formation of the ECVCP at this time is also appropriate to the timing of the establishment of the two colleges to which veterinary clinical pathology is critically linked, namely ECVIM-CA and ECVP. Finally, in addition to need, there is critical mass and call for the formation of an independent college.

    Have sufficient body of potential diplomates to form a college
    In year 2000, the ESVCP membership list identified ~100 Europeans, most practicing veterinary clinical pathology. This list which will be updated by Spring 2001, is expected to have grown by 25% to 125 members.
    A total of 91 veterinarians practicing veterinary clinical pathology from 17 countries provided information to the ESVCP in a survey of the status of European veterinary clinical pathology.
    There are at least 35 members of the ESVCP from 14 countries who have met the EBVS criteria that are specifically defined in its constitution for membership of a European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. This number excludes those ESVCP members of other colleges, such as ECVIM-CA, ECVP, ECVD, and ECVPT.
    Of the above 35 ESVCP members who are potential ECVCP diplomates, at least 18 have met the EBVS criteria that are specifically defined in its constitution for Charter Diplomates or Founder Diplomates.
    In association with each of the above 35 ESVCP members, there will be at least 30 institutions where trainees can acquire at least partial training in veterinary clinical pathology.

    Represent a distinct, identifiable specialty based on knowledge and practice
    Veterinary Clinical Pathology is a distinct and identifiable specialty of veterinary medicine that is based on knowledge and practice separate from that of the ECVIM-CA, ECVP, and other EBVS-recognised colleges. Veterinary Clinical Pathology may be considered to functionally occupy an intermediary position between EVCIM-CA and ECVP. However, gaps exist between Veterinary Clinical Pathology and ECVIM-CA and ECVP in knowledge base, practical skills, concepts, processes, and technology. These gaps are progressively widening with growth and modernisation, including (a) selection, development and validation of new methodologies and technologies (eg automation, computerisation, molecular biology), (b) laboratory (operations, data, quality) management, and (c) testing of more species. This distinctiveness is based on the following.

    Methodology, Technology and Laboratory Management
    Interpretation of veterinary clinical pathology data requires a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the use and management of unique technologies and methodologies and of laboratory management (of operations, data, quality) that are used to generate the data. Such knowledge, experience and training are unique to Veterinary Clinical Pathology, and are not found to sufficient extent within the requirements for ECVIM-CA and ECVP members. Interpretation of veterinary clinical pathology data also requires a substantive knowledge of veterinary medicine and pathology. Such knowledge, experience and training are unique to Veterinary Clinical Pathology, and are not found to sufficient extent within the requirements for non-veterinary, technical training programs restricted to clinical pathology technology.

    Depth of Knowledge
    Veterinary Clinical Pathology data is integral to monitoring animal health and in determining the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of animal disease. Accordingly it is called upon by both internal medicine and pathology. Thus some knowledge of Veterinary Clinical Pathology is commonplace in the memberships of ECVIM-CA and ECVP. However, knowledge of the methodology and technology and laboratory management are not included in the training for membership in ECVIM-CA and ECVP.

    Different Knowledge
    Whereas ECVIM-CA is restricted to companion animals, Veterinary Clinical Pathology also importantly includes laboratory, agricultural, aquatic and exotic animals. None of the three areas of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, namely, clinical biochemistry (including areas of endocrinology and molecular genetics), haematology, and cytology are specifically covered by in-depth training or examination by the ECVP or ECVIM-CA.

    Will establish and abide by clear standards for admission to membership
    There will be clear standards that will be abided by for admission to membership of the ECVCP. The EBVS constitution will define the basic standards for defacto admission of veterinary clinical pathologists during formation of the ECVCP. After formation of the ECVCP, admission will be on the basis of examination following specified training and experience.     The lack of wide-spread development of veterinary clinical pathology training programs in European Veterinary Schools will necessitate the measures described below.

    1) Initially, to avail themselves of training programs recognised and approved by the ECVCP Examination Committee in veterinary clinical pathology for all three areas of clinical biochemistry, haematology, and cytology, most trainees will need to receive their training at more than one institution and likely in more than one country. They will be required to have documented receipt of ECVCP-specified training and successful achievement of an acceptable standard of performance by their supervisory ECVCP diplomate prior to undergoing comprehensive examination by the ECVCP. Candidates for examination will be required to be practicing the specialty for at least 50% of their time, based on a working week of 40 hours. Additionally, as specified in the EBVS constitution, they will have demonstrated moral and ethical standing in the profession.

    2) A route for candidates to qualify for examination that is alternative to a formal training program will be defined.

    3) The ECVCP educational committee will identify and certify training programs for all three areas of veterinary clinical pathology for appropriateness of facilities, case load, and supervision. A standard route through education, training, and experience that provides the most time-efficient pathway to qualify for examination will be identified. The training period will be of at least three years duration and under the supervision of a diplomate of the ESVCP. There will be didactic and experiential training requirements. Specific knowledge to be gained, skills to be mastered, experience to be achieved, and accomplishments to be achieved will be explicitly identified.

    Also, as specified in the EBVS constitution, the following criteria will be met.

    1) The College will publish a policy indicating that details of any deficiencies in credentials or examination results that prevent certification by the college will be promptly reported to candidates. Examination results will be announced on the same day as any deficiencies in examination results. A formal appeal procedure for candidates in case of an adverse decision by the College will be defined in the constitution.

    2) The College will restrict its activities to those within the scope of its stated objectives.

    3) The College will notify the EBVS of all changes in its constitution and bylaws at the time of the next annual report.

    4) The College will be legally incorporated as a non-profit organisation within a European country.


    ESVCP Working Group on Establishing a College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. (a) Survey of European Veterinary Clinical Pathologists. 2000. (b) Specialisation of European Veterinary Clinical Pathology: Subspecialise from ECVIM-CA / ECVP or Form a Separate College?

    ¹. Kelly, DF. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. The Bulletin of the College of Veterinary Pathologists. Number 89. Jan 1995 pp16-17.

    Appendix I:
    Summary of ESVCP Survey Results Presented at General Meeting of ESVCP, Jul 2000

    Results will be added soon!



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    Posted 28/4/14 



    Welcome to the ESVCP - ECVCP web site

    Veterinary Clinical Pathology is briefly defined as diagnostic laboratory work for the diagnosis of diseases and the control of therapy of living animals.

    ecvcp.jpgEuropean College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP)

    The foundation of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology occurred in 2002, the full recognition by the EBVS in 2007. The College addresses the need for well educated clinical pathologists with certified experience for leading positions in commercial laboratories, industry, and veterinary schools.


    esvcplogo.jpgEuropean Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP)

    The Society is independent, but affiliated to the European Society of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ESVIM) and Association of Comparative Clinical Pathology (AECCP) in order to make use of organizational advantages. The ESVCP was registered in Munich, Germany, in September of 1998.

      Aims of the ESVCP:
    ESVCP should encourage a good contact between clinicians, pathologists, and biochemical experts, to support daily work, scientific research, sharing of information, increase of knowledge, and to facilitate coordination of research. The activity of the Society concerns all species.

      Members of ESVCP:
    The Society is open to everybody interested in one of the many areas of interest of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.